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Here’s the latest from my race in CA-21

*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CA-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

TJ Cox is an engineer, community development leader, and Democrat running to unseat David Valadao in California’s 21st congressional district. He is rejecting all corporate PAC contributions and is depending on grassroots support to flip this seat. You can support TJ Cox here >>

I wanted to make sure you received some key updates from my race that you may have missed.

The New York Times recently called our race to unseat Valadao one of the “top ten to watch.”
Last month, Republicans sent Ivanka Trump to our district to headline a fundraiser for Valadao.
Despite financial support from Mike Pence, Kevin McCarthy, and now Ivanka Trump, our campaign outraised David Valadao last quarter, and we did so with low-dollar, grassroots support.

After being out-raised, we expect a fundraising surge from David Valadao and his special interest backers. And next week, we’re launching our first TV ad and we need $21,000 before Tuesday to make sure we can keep it on the air.

I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important. Can you pitch in to help us meet this fundraising target?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $10 Now

Donate $25 Now

Donate $50 Now

Donate $100 Now

Or, donate another amount

Thank you for your support,

TJ Cox 


Devin Nunes must be expelled

CDP logo

Devin Nunes is a disgrace and an embarrassment to California — and conservative think tank scholars agree. One even recently called for Devin Nunes to be expelled from Congress for his shameful, potentially criminal behavior.

Norman Ornstein tweet

Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute resident scholar

The facts are clear. Devin Nunes is guilty of:

  • Sabotaging the Russia investigation
  • Lying extensively in his memo on the FISA application
  • Disappearing the night before falsely claiming Obama spied on Trump
  • Leaking Senator Warner’s texts to Fox News
  • Creating his own website with actual fake news
  • Using political donations for fueling his private jet
  • Betraying Central Valley farmers time and again for special interests

And so much more.

We need to make our voices heard and tell Congress that Devin Nunes’ flagrant corruption and wrongdoing makes him unfit to serve in the House of Representatives.


Democratically Yours,

John Vigna, Communications Director
California Democratic Party


Calling all California Dems!

*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

At this point, we all know how CRUCIAL California’s House races are going to be in November. Without major wins across this state, Democrats will have little to NO chance of flipping the U.S. House.

That’s why this week, Democratic candidates across California are UNITING for our biggest grassroots fundraising push of the year.

This is all hands on deck, Michael: Can you split a donation between TJ Cox and six other Democratic candidates working to flip key California districts from Red to Blue?

$10 >> $35 >> $50 >>
$100 >> $250 >> other >>

TJ Cox isn’t the only one who believes in affordable healthcare, common sense gun legislation, and protecting the rights of women. Democrats throughout California — from Turlock down to Encinitas — are fighting for these same values.

And if we’re going to succeed in creating change in Washington, we need to work as a team to get there. This our chance!

Pitch in now to join the fight to flip CA House districts from Red to Blue this November.

Thank you,

Team TJ


Signatures still needed from 93705 to stop Trump’s tariffs

*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

“Trump announces $12 million dollar bailout of American farmers – why the trade war he started to help them, now requires taxpayers to save them”
– The New York Times Podcast, The Daily

SIGN ON: Tell Trump to end his tariffs and stop the trade war >>

This is incredibly frustrating, Michael.

Trump just announced plans to spend $12 billion to bail out farmers — including those in the Central Valley — from the devastation his trade war has created. That’s right — he’s sending in relief for a problem he caused but refuses to fix.

Trump and his team may be touting this bailout as an act of heroism, but this policy is nothing more than a band-aid on a deep wound that Trump should have never created in the first place.

Our farmers deserve better. Sign this petition now to tell Trump to call off his trade war >>

Central Valley farmers don’t need bailouts, they need overseas markets to the sell their products in. There are no winners in a trade war, and until Trump ends these disastrous tariffs — our farmers will continue to suffer.

We need to make our voices heard >>




I won’t shy away from my values

*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

In order to ensure health care access for all, address massive wealth and income inequality, curb the influence of dark money in our politics, enact true immigration reform, and strive for environmental justice, we must win seats like California’s 21st district. Especially when they’re held by special-interest backed politicians like David Valadao.

I’m not shying away from my values. That’s why a Paul Ryan-linked super PAC and national Republicans are gearing up to spend millions to defeat me. But that’s also why The New York Times is calling our race one of the “top ten to watch.” Because despite these hurdles, our people-powered campaign is proving time and again that we can make history by flipping this district for the first time in decades.

I’m proud that our campaign outraised David Valadao last quarter, and did so by out-performing him by a 13:1 margin from grassroots donors giving $200 or less. But right now I need your help to make sure we can outraise Valadao again by reaching our $15,000 goal before the weekend. Can you make a contribution today? I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $10 Now

Donate $25 Now

Donate $50 Now

Donate $100 Now

Or, donate another amount

While the powers that be in Washington work to divide us and secure their financial interests at the expense of working families — we can’t relent in our fight for fairness for everyone.

Thank you for your support,

TJ Cox


TJ Cox is a local engineer, community development leader, and Democrat running to unseat Republican David Valadao in CA-21. This is one of the Democrats’ key races to win to take back the House in 2018. TJ won’t accept corporate PAC money and is relying on grassroots support to flip this seat. Please chip in today.



ICYMI: GOP stops election security funding, midterms may be compromised

*** Alex Padilla has been endorsed for Secretary of State by the CDP ***

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

The fallout from President Trump’s disastrous meeting with Vladimir Putin continues as election security is again front and center in the news. It’s clear the president and Republicans in Congress are not committed to stopping future attacks on our elections. And that’s why we must elect more Democratic Secretaries of State in November.

Our Secretaries are already leading the way to secure our elections, even without action from Trump. Take a look at the top stories from this week and please share with your friends.

WATCH: New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver discusses Trump’s failure in defending the midterm elections from Russian attacks.

Washington Post: House GOP refuses to renew election security funding

New York Times: How the Midterm Elections May Be Compromised

SIGN THE PETITION: Demand Congress fund election security now!

ThinkProgress: If Kavanaugh is confirmed, you can kiss the right to vote goodbye

HELP PROTECT VOTING RIGHTS: Become a 2018 Founding Member of our Protect The Vote Project and help us fight back against GOP voter suppression!