Election to Fill Nunes’ Abandoned Seat

When Devin Nunes resigned his position in the House of Representatives before his elected term was over, he created an unusual circumstance. While Nunes abandoned his constituents to run Donald Trump’s new media company, California is paying for a special election to choose who will hold the seat until next January.
The replacement is further complicated by the outcome of statewide redistricting, which means this House district will not exist by next year.
The election date is April 5, but vote-by-mail ballots are already out to all registered voters of this soon-to-be partitioned Congressional district.
There are two Democrats running in this special election against three Republicans. The Democratic Party has not endorsed in this race. If no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote, the top two candidates will face off again in June.
Eric Garcia (ericgarciaforcongress.com) is a Marine veteran working on his master’s in marriage and family therapy. He has placed healthcare at the center of his campaign priorities and is a strong supporter of universal healthcare. He seeks federal funding for transportation, water and energy projects in underserved communities like those in the 22nd district.
Lourin Hubbard (www.lourinhubbard.com) is the operations manager for the Regional Water Quality Control Board. He believes industrial agricultural interests have received far too many advantages at a great cost to small family farms. He says that an end to sweetheart tax breaks for giant producers will foster more competition and improve the health of the Valley’s economy and residents.
The Republicans in this lot are the sort you would expect to flock into Nunes’ shadow. Matt Stoll vows to fight “dangerous progressive policies.” Connie Conway brags about being a Trump appointee. The always outrageous Elizabeth Heng has slid over from the neighboring district after losing to Rep. Jim Costa in a previous election.
Remember to vote!
Fresno County Clerk/Registrar of Voters Office webpage with information on this Special Primary Election including Vote Center and Drop Box location information and maps is available at: https://www.co.fresno.ca.us/departments/county-clerk-registrar-of-voters/election-races/u-s-representative-22nd-district-special-election