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$8 versus an $8 million personal loan to your own campaign

*** Kevin de Leon has been endorsed for U.S. Senate by the CDP ***

Senator Dianne Feinstein is trying to buy this election.

We’re not just saying that — according to recent FEC reports, Senator Feinstein personally loaned her campaign a whopping $8 million for this election.

Can you imagine having enough money to do that?

Neither can we.

If you’ve got Kevin’s back, please help fuel our people powered movement with an $8 contribution.

Kevin comes from humble beginnings — his mother worked her hands to the bone to provide a better life for him — and he’s focused this campaign on the issues that matter to Californians, like economic security, combating climate change, immigration reform, and Medicare for All.

Our scrappy team works their hearts out every day to spread our positive, progressive message, but the sad truth is money matters in politics.

In order to compete and provide Californians the choice they deserve this November, we don’t need to raise $8 million. We’re relying on folks like you chipping in $8 or $28 dollars at a time to fuel our campaign.

Please contribute today to help level the playing field:

California’s economy is the 5th largest in the world, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

We can’t trust the millionaires and billionaires in Congress to understand what it means to struggle to pay the bills. To breathe the air we breathe. To drink the water we drink.

We need someone in Washington who understands what it means to scrape together every penny to afford car payments, the cost of rent, access to healthcare and student loan bills. We need someone who knows the issues real Californians face each day.

Kevin doesn’t just understand — he’s lived it.

Let Kevin know that you’ve got his back with an $8 contribution today:

Chip in $8 →


Team KDL

Trump’s invitation to Putin

*** Alex Padilla has been endorsed for Secretary of State by the CDP ***

Democratic Association of Secretaries of State

CBS News: Trump defends Putin from claims of election interference

Trump completely failed in his obligation to defend and protect American democracy yesterday. After siding with Putin over our national security and intelligence community, he’s given Putin an invitation to continue his attacks on our elections.

If President Trump won’t act, we must.

Democratic Secretaries of State are on the front lines and it is critical that this November, we elect more Democratic Secretaries who will defend our elections and hold Trump accountable.

Democrats in key states are counting on us to help them win, and we need to raise another $5,000 in the next 24 hours to immediately support top candidates who will send the GOP packing. Pitch in $5 or more now and help elect Democrats in November!

If you’ve saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately:

Donate $5

Donate $25

Donate $50

Donate $100

Donate another amount

Trump’s shameful performance yesterday only served to undermine election officials who are working to secure our free and fair elections from further attacks from Russia.

We clearly can’t count on Trump to stand up for our democratic process. Democratic Secretaries of State will, but we need to make sure Democrats win in November.

Your donation right now will help Democrats running in key states defeat Republicans who enable Trump’s cozy relationship with Putin. It’s time to show them the door.


It’s Time for Impeachment

*** Kevin de Leon has been endorsed for U.S. Senate by the CDP ***

Never before have we seen an American President degrade our national standing so shamelessly as President Trump did in Helsinki on Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump can try to backtrack, but he has always defended Russia over our Democracy. With the latest indictments and his own actions in Russia, it’s clear that President Trump has committed treason against the United States.

That’s why I’m calling on leaders in Congress to defend our nation and file articles of impeachment against President Trump — please join me today.

Trump is a threat to our national security, and cannot be trusted to put the American people’s safety and prosperity before his own.

In addition to filing articles of impeachment, Congressional leadership should move this week to protect special prosecutor Robert Mueller.

I am committed to helping achieve this now, and if elected, on the floor of the U.S. Senate — please add your name if you’re with me.

Empty words of outrage and hollow resolutions won’t cut it.

We can’t afford to wait.

We must take serious action now.

We must protect our nation from this President at all costs.

We must impeach President Trump — add your name if you agree.

If we work our hearts out in 2018, I know we can safeguard our country from this treasonous tyrant.


Thanks for everything you’re doing,



I Need Your Help to Protect Health Care from Republican Attacks.

*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

We need to act.

The Trump administration is moving to eliminate protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions. But David Valadao and other Republicans in Congress are doing nothing to stop it.

In our Central Valley district alone, there are 291,000 people (46% of residents!) with pre-existing conditions who rely on the protections outlined in the Affordable Care Act in order to receive affordable health care. We can’t allow Trump or his enablers in Congress to take those protections away.

Sign the petition to tell President Trump: Stop attacking the Affordable Care Act!


Do you know anyone with asthma, diabetes, or high blood pressure?

So do I. And if Trump succeeds, big insurance companies can either cancel their insurance plans, deny their coverage outright, or raise their rates through the roof. We can’t let that happen — not on our watch.

Join the fight: Sign the petition now to tell Congress to keep their hands off the ACA.

Thank you,



Did you hear the news?

*** No candidate for Lt. Governor has been endorsed by the CDP ***

SB 17 is working!

Drugmakers across the globe are backing down because of our landmark law to ensure more transparency and accountability from drug corporations. This week, many of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world announced they are canceling plans that would have increased the price of life-saving medication.

Click here to read about SB 17’s success in Bloomberg and the Los Angeles Times.

This is a huge victory, but it’s only the beginning.

As your Lieutenant Governor, I will continue to lead the fight to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, crack down on big pharmaceutical companies for skyrocketing prescription drug costs, and prioritize California’s working families over corporate interests.

Will you chip in $10, $50, $100 or more today to join me in standing up to Big Pharma so I can build on this progress as California’s next Lieutenant Governor?

With your support we will move one step closer to our dream of guaranteed affordable and accessible healthcare for all Californians.

Thank you for standing with me,
Dr. Ed


Contribute >>

Complete Disbelief

There’s a lot going on right now, and we must be able to multitask.

This week the whole world watched in disbelief as the president sided with Vladimir Putin over American intelligence agencies.

And while we must keep our eyes on Russia and election interference, we can’t lose sight of the children who are still separated from their parents, the attacks on the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Court fight, and the midterm elections in November.

With that in mind, I wanted to check in with you real quick about your priorities for the weeks and months ahead. I’ve done this from time to time since being elected, and your feedback has been important to my work.

Can you take a minute to answer a few short questions on my Official July 2018 Issues Survey? It’ll only take a few moments and I will personally review your feedback this week.

take the survey »

All the progress we’ve made over the last several decades is under assault and we have to remain vigilant in the years ahead.

Thanks for adding your input today,


take the survey »