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Dr. Joaquin Arambula: The time to get involved is now.

Dr. Joaquin Arambula: The time to get involved is now.

From our friend Dr. Joaquin Arambula, candidate for California Assembly:

Dr. Joaquin Arambula

Dr. Joaquin Arambula

As you may have heard, Assemblymember Henry T. Perea has announced that he plans to resign from the State Assembly at the end of the year. As a father of three young daughters, I understand his desire to support his growing family, and wish Henry and his family the best.

With this surprise announcement, there will be a Special Election to fill out the remaining months of Perea’s term, likely in early April. While the shortened time frame means extra work to deliver our message and turn out voters, we are in a good position to run a strong campaign.

I’m excited! As an Emergency Room doctor, I am used to dealing with the fast-paced, high stress environment of the ER. So, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

Please stand with me as we work to make our Valley a healthier community by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford today!

Thanks for all your support thus far. I will need your help now more than ever to ensure we are ready.

We can’t do this without your help! Click here to sign up to get involved or allow me to use your name publicly as a supporter. 

Elizabeth and I hope you have a blessed and happy holiday season. We thank you for your support this past year and we look forward to meeting all the challenges of the coming year.

Joaquin Arambula

No debate watch parties in December at Fresno Democratic HQ

With the holiday season underway, the Fresno County Democratic Headquarters typically “goes dark” for the month of December. With this year as no exception, we encourage county Democrats to pay close attention to the Democratic and Republican Presidential Debates scheduled during the month. But we do not plan to host any Debate Watch potlucks during the month.

Stay tuned to your Fresno Democratic Newsletter for information about a busy calendar planned for January, and have a great set of holidays!