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The preliminary vote count in our Party Officer Election is complete. The preliminary results for Chair show we’ve received 2,246 votes – or 67.77% of the total vote for Chair.

While we await the formal certification of these preliminary results at our upcoming Virtual State Convention, I wanted to share a couple of thoughts to close out the campaign.

Let me be the first to congratulate our incoming Statewide Officers and Regional Directors. I look forward to working with all of you to engage and empower 10 million California Democrats. There is a lot of work to do and I can’t wait to get started alongside all of you.

But, first, thank you.

Thank you to every Delegate who supported our campaign with your vote. And I’m grateful to every County Committee, Democratic Club, and labor and progressive organization who endorsed our campaign. I am truly honored and humbled by your support.

Thank you to every volunteer and contributor who supported our campaign with either time, talent or treasure. Thousands of calls, texts, and emails were an important part of sharing our vision for our Party. It simply would not have happened without all of you.

Thank you to my outstanding campaign team – all young, talented organizers – who executed a positive, disciplined and strategic campaign to connect with Delegates in all 80 Assembly Districts and across all 58 Counties. I’m so incredibly proud of you all.

And speaking of an outstanding team, literally, every day and night of the virtual campaign trail has been shared with my loving wife, Sandra. Thank you for your willingness to put up with me and the many twists and turns of yet another spirited campaign.

And last but certainly not least, thank you to every candidate who put their name forward and shared your vision for our Party. I know all of you will continue to uplift our collective democratic values both within our Party and in the communities you serve.

Whether you supported me, another candidate, or perhaps no candidate at all, this is YOUR Party. This is OUR Party. And it will take ALL of us to make it as great, as strong and as inclusive as it can possibly be.

I’m ready to get to work. And I hope you are, too. So, let’s get to work!






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What I’ve Been Working On For You

What I’ve Been Working On For You

News from Representative Costa

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Dear Friend,

We’re in the district meeting regularly with constituents and community leaders to discuss the benefits of the American Rescue Plan and address recent anti-Asian sentiments related to COVID-19. Because of the need to ensure health safety, these meetings are primarily conducted virtually through video conference technology using smartphones, tablets or computers. Here are some highlights: 

Strengthening Valley healthcare


The American Rescue Plan continues to deliver on its promises to help us weather this pandemic. I’m pleased to announce that our Valley health clinics, which have played a critical role in the response to this deadly disease, are receiving increased funding from the American Rescue Plan Act to expand access to vaccinations, testing, and treatment, as well as enhance these clinics’ capacity to provide care. 

Here’s a list of how our clinics are benefiting: 

  • Golden Valley Health Centers, Merced  – $24.8 million
  • Clinica Sierra Vista, Valley-wide – $23.9 million
  • Omni Valley Health, Valley-wide – $20.3 million
  • United Health Centers, Fresno – $18 million
  • Camarena Health, Madera – $7.9 million
  • Livingston Community Health, Livingston – $3.6 million

Learn more about the positive impacts of the American Rescue Plan

Stopping Asian hate


Racism in America should never be tolerated. The recent increase in anti-Asian sentiment in this country, including violence and verbal abuse, are hate crimes that need attention. Unfortunately, this is the only the most recent case of prejudice against Asian-Americans. Dating back to the 19th Century, Chinese immigrants were banned under the Chinese Exclusion Act — the first act to bar immigrants on the basis of race. Later in the early 20th Century, Filipinos became the target of racist policies that justified the continuation of U.S. colonial rule of the territory. In 1942, Japanese-Americans suspected as enemies were forced to leave their homes and interned in camps simply on the basis of their heritage. We must learn from these examples to foster more inclusive mentalities to prevent further injustice going forward. 

I recently convened a forum with Asian community leaders and Judge Dale Ikeda to discuss how we can address these issues in the Valley. I also cosponsored a resolution condemning all forms of anti-Asian sentiment and another condemning the recent and horrific shootings in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Extended healthcare enrollment


President Biden recently announced a new special enrollment period to increase access to affordable health insurance while we continue to fight the pandemic. You can explore options and sign up here until May 15th, 2021. This is one of the ways we’re improving the Affordable Care Act. 

Helping minority farmers


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For years, black and other minority farmers have been hesitant to work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for fear of discrimination. These farmers’ operations are typically smaller, but they are equally critical to feeding Americans. I participated in an Agriculture Committee hearing with Secretary Vilsack to discuss these issues. I also recently met with the African American Farmers of California to discuss the important provisions in the American Rescue Plan, including debt relief, loans, and other types of financial assistance. 


We are here to help. Please contact my office if you need assistance.



Jim Costa
Member of Congress

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In memory of George Floyd:

In memory of George Floyd:

We are calling on all California Democrats to stand up, speak out, and take action.

California Democratic Party Logo

Eight minutes and forty-six seconds.

For eight long minutes, George Floyd cried out for his mother before Derek Chauvin took his life without mercy, justice, or dignity.

Since then, our nation has experienced a racial reckoning. Today’s ruling was a step towards a more just future.

Yet, CADEM recognizes that there is still much more work to be done.

We have to do better. We must do better.

Now is the time to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. In memory of George Floyd: stand up, speak out, and take action.

It is incumbent upon all of us to fight against the deep-seated prejudice, discrimination, and structural racism that has long plagued our country.

For as long as Black people cannot breathe, we cannot and will not stop fighting to lift up Black voices.

In Solidarity,

California Democratic Party

DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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Putting It Write: Writing Effective Letters to the Editor

Putting It Write: Writing Effective Letters to the Editor


Fellow Democrats,
There is a lot of misinformation in social media as well as local newspapers. 

A collaborative team, based in Placer and El Dorado County, wanted our voices to be heard loud and clear, so we are forming the Writers Alliance.  We believe that a supportive group of writers can make a difference.Let me introduce what is on our agenda:

Putting It Write

We all have a lot to say. Let’s use our collective writing, researching, editing, and social media talents to share our ideas and viewpoints with our neighbors and our communities. Join us for these two practical and informative seminars and become a member of our Writers Alliance.

Thursday, May 6     Putting It Write: Writing Effective Letters to the Editor

6:30-8:00 PM  While there’s no magical formula, published letters share common characteristics. Become familiar with the guidelines to structure an effective letter.

Thursday, May 20 Putting Our Talents to Work: Building a Writers Alliance

6:30-8:00 PM  A Writers Alliance is a collective of talents—writers, researchers, editors, and publicists. In what role or roles do you see yourself?

I am attaching the announcement for the upcoming Writers Alliance webinars.I hope you will share it widely.It comes in different files, so choose what works for you.The PDF file has an interactive link to register for the workshop.
If you have any questions, be sure to ask me.
Best wishes,
Mary Elliott-KlemmWriters Alliance
other members of our team:  Jill Blue Keith, EDC Dems Barbara Smith,Placer Dems Kathleen Barco, EDC Dems and EDP

Social March to Remember Those Fallen

Social March to Remember Those Fallen

 Stan Santos and CVLRT are coordinating an 8 mile long walk from  Firebaugh to Mendota Social March in two weeks! Senator Anna Caballero will speak at 10:30am.

Sincerely, Eliseo