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CA-04’s Ridiculous Representative

CA-04’s Ridiculous Representative

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Dear Friend,

There’s a certain mindset in a committed cult member. Whether he’s a true believer or just willing to go along to achieve the goals of the leader, he will follow even the most ridiculous commands. He will do as the leader asks, even when it makes no sense and will do harm. Tom McClintock has become that ridiculous cult member, following the lead of a President who’s behavior has become self-destructive.

The evidence is clear: Masks work, shockingly well. COVID-19 is spread almost entirely through the air we breathe, and even talking to someone can result in transmission. As this chart shows, two months ago it already was becoming clear that the countries who were having the most success in suppressing the virus have one thing in common – their residents wear masks, either because of their culture or because their government has demanded it. Those countries have suffered the least amount of harm – in lives lost or injured, and damage to their economies – because they did that one critical thing. We could be like them, if we had done the same.

We needed to pause transmission in March and get a better understanding of this virus and how we can control it. We shut down our economy for two months, causing immense harm, because the alternative would have been worse. And in that time, we learned a lot about COVID-19. We learned, most importantly, how easily we could suppress this virus if everyone wore a mask. We should be that knowledge to work.

But the President doesn’t want to wear a mask. For whatever reason, he has decided to discourage the one simple step that could help this country re-open safely. And because he has managed to inspire an unusual level of devotion in his followers, too many Americans are going along with his self-destructive behavior. Tom McClintock is one of them. Instead of doing what a good political leader does and setting the right example, Tom McClintock has doubled down on his senseless definition of “freedom”. Without any recognition of the government’s long-held and acknowledged right to compel us to take action that will protect ourselves or others – we’re required to wear underwear when we leave the house, don a seatbelt when we drive, and dress appropriately when we enter a courtroom, to name a few – he insists that mandating masks infringes on rights protected by the Constitution. He’s ridiculous and he’s embracing a ridiculous and devastatingly self-destructive position.

California’s 4th District deserves better. We deserve a representative who sees our challenges with clear eyes and takes meaningful action to fix them. We deserve a representative who truly cares about what happens in this District. We deserve a representative who will fight for us.

Join us, as we fight to send Tom McClintock back to his own District, and to finally stop him from selling us out, one vote at a time. To learn more about the alternative, visit

Because we know, as Margaret Mead said, that “a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Sierra Forward needs your support to continue working to elect Democrats in CD4. Please Donate via ActBlue today.

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CA-04’s Ridiculous Representative

The Broken Politics of Tom McClintock

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Dear Friend,

We choose politicians to represent us in Washington, D.C., and in years past, we could look to our chosen representatives to model the behavior that would most benefit our society. No more – at least not for the politician currently representing California’s 4th District. Despite his recent call for Americans to “follow the science,” Tom McClintock thumbs his nose at the science that gives us the easiest path to stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Tom McClintock told his constituents last month that he doesn’t wear a mask to stop the spread of COVID-19. He said he’s being careful, and that’s enough. He’s part of a movement on the right that has, inexplicably and destructively, rejected masks. They’ve decided that masks are a political statement, and that’s more important than doing their part to stop the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask. They laugh at us, and sometimes attack us (verbally or physically) for choosing to be part of the solution, instead of part of the problem.

We’ve learned a lot about COVID-19 over the last few months, and we now know that the CDC grievously erred when its initial guidance downplayed the importance of wearing masks. The evidence points to airborne transmission as dominant in spreading the virus. Thus, as this Reuters article explains, “[p]opulation-wide face mask use could push COVID-19 transmission down to controllable levels for national epidemics, and could prevent further waves of the pandemic disease when combined with lockdowns.” In country after country, masks are making an enormous difference. And countries like Slovakia are succeeding in part because their leaders model the behavior that leads to their success. This makes sense. As this study shows, “leaders strongly shape their followers’ initial beliefs and contributions.” Brynne Kennedy knows this. She’s modeling the behavior we need and should expect from our leaders. But Tom McClintock, like the president he serves and too many politicians on the right, thumbs his nose at the science. He’s continuing down the path of defiance against this simple safety measure – a path that has led and will continue to lead to tens of thousands of preventable deaths, countless permanent injuries, and untold pain and grief.

California’s 4th District deserves better. We deserve a representative who sees our challenges with clear eyes and takes meaningful action to fix them. We deserve a representative who truly cares about what happens in this District. We deserve a representative who will fight for us.

Join us, as we fight to send Tom McClintock back to his own District, and to finally stop him from selling us out, one vote at a time. To learn more about the alternative, visit

Because we know, as Margaret Mead said, that “a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Sierra Forward needs your support to continue working to elect Democrats in CD4. Please Donate via ActBlue today.

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Paid for by Sierra Forward ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.Contributions are not tax deductible

FEC # C00647297     FPPC # 1397131

Copyright © 2020 Sierra Forward, All rights reserved.
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Sierra Forward

7909 Walerga Road

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Antelope, CA 95843

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Devin Nunes actually sent this email.

Devin Nunes actually sent this email.


Devin Nunes is back in the fray, Michael.

Last night, Nunes sent out a pretty desperate fundraising plea in support of our opponent David Valadao. Here’s an excerpt:

We can’t let this go unchecked: Can you help us counter Devin Nunes’ fundraising push for David Valadao by chipping in $10 right away?

Donate $10

Nunes calls TJ out by name directly — using slurs like “extremist” and “socialist” to really gin-up the fear factor with his base. To be honest, we think these tropes are a little tired — especially from someone as corrupt as Nunes.

Remember, this is the same Nunes who Trump called his “hero” for pushing conspiracies during impeachment.

– It’s the same Nunes whose staff tried to OUT the whistleblower who exposed foreign money being funneled into Republican campaigns (including Valadao’s).

And it’s the same Nunes whose political career now hinges on Republicans taking back the House in 2020.

You simply can’t expect Valadao to confront the culture of corruption in Washington when he is benefiting from it. So in response to this email, we’re running a little fundraising push of our own:

If everyone reading this email can chip in $10 right now, we’ll totally nullify whatever cash benefit Valadao got from Devin’s fundraising appeal. Can you chip in to help us outraise this gang of two?

Let’s do this, 

Team TJ

Donate $10 

Paid for by TJ Cox for Congress

TJ Cox represents California’s 21st Congressional District in Congress. Email is the best way to stay up to date with TJ’s campaign. To support TJ Cox with a contribution, click here.

NEW Endorsement for Brynne Kennedy

Why I’m endorsing Brynne Kennedy

Brynne Kennedy for Congress

We need hard-working, pragmatic leaders in Congress now more than ever.

Our country is facing so many challenges, and we deserve to have members of Congress who care about the folks in their districts and have the experience and motivation to solve these issues.

That’s why I’m excited to be supporting Brynne Kennedy for Congress.

She has the experience and leadership we need to see in Congress right now, and California deserves to have her in Washington fighting for us.

join me in supporting Brynne for Congress by chipping in to her campaign today!


Brynne doesn’t accept a cent of corporate PAC money, so we know she’ll be a candidate for the people of California’s 4th District — not for special interest groups or corporate PAC donors.

Brynne has crucial policy proposals, in areas from health care and wildfire protection to school systems and the tax code, that will bring the positive change we sorely need to our communities.

Challenging a 40 year career politician is no easy task — but Brynne is well-equipped to take on Tom McClintock and bring real leadership to the district.

I’m looking forward to working with Brynne in Congress, but we need your help to make it happen. Can you pitch in $5 or anything you can today?


Thanks for stepping up!

— Kamala



Paid for by Brynne for Congress

Brynne for Congress
P.O. Box 854
Rocklin, CA 95677 United States