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Convention Preview: Announcing Keynote Speakers

Convention Preview

Earlier this week, we announced the first of our General Session programming blocks – Celebrating Black Voters – and we took the opportunity to announce the first of our Convention Keynote Speakers: Representative Maxine Waters.

In addition to Representative Waters, we are proud and honored to announce these additional Keynote Speakers:

  • Kamala Harris, United States Senate
  • Jeff Merkley, United States Senate
  • Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Leader, United States House of Representatives
  • Tom Steyer, Founder & President, NextGen America
  • Lupe Valdez, Former Dallas County Sheriff Democrat for Texas Governor
  • Eric Garcetti, Mayor, City of Los Angeles

These Keynote Speakers represent the best of what our Party stands for – thoughtful, inclusive and progressive leadership. We are honored and grateful to welcome them to our stage.

Up Next…

As we announced in the first Convention Preview, we’re trying a different approach for having the candidates for Lt. Governor appear on stage. Stay tuned for ways you can help shape our inaugural Candidates Forum! And check out the Convention Previews section of the Convention page for our previous announcements.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in San Diego!

–The CDP Team


Make DACA permanent

In less than three weeks, more than 1,000 young immigrants could face deportation each day. I’m disgusted that our president and Congress have put politics ahead of people — and I’m demanding action.

I’m demanding that Congress immediately pass a clean bill making the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program permanent. Will you join me by adding your name?

After President Trump unilaterally rescinded DACA in September, he set a March 5th deadline for Congress to replace it — but congressional leaders have refused to bring a bill to the floor to address this crisis.

Now, approximately 223,000 young Californians who registered with the Department of Homeland Security in return for protections under DACA, and hundreds of thousands more nationwide, could be forced to leave the only homes they’ve ever known.

Join me in putting pressure on Congress to take immediate action, before it’s too late.

Michael, this fight is personal to me.

My parents came to America with virtually nothing, dreaming of a better future. My father arrived with just three shirts, two pairs of pants, and hardly anything in his pocket. And despite the taunts and the ugly racial slurs, my family never gave up believing in the American Dream — just like millions of other immigrants that have come to this country believing in that dream.

In return, immigrants, like my parents, have helped make our nation and our communities stronger.

As governor, I will protect all our communities, and will continue to support legislation to make our state safe for immigrants. You can trust me to fight like hell to make sure immigrants have a path to citizenship, with the same access to opportunity that my family had.

But we can’t wait until after Election Day — our neighbors are at risk of losing their immigration status in mere weeks. We need to work together and demand action right now.

Join me in demanding Congress renew protections for Dreamers right now. Add your name.

Thanks for standing with me,


Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Add your name →

Sign the petition: Tell the GOP to stop targeting people with disabilities

Kamala Harris

Fresno County –

People with disabilities in our nation should not have to beg our government for access to their basic human rights.

But this week, the House is set to vote on legislation that would gut the Americans with Disabilities Act, legislation that mandates people with disabilities should have equal and fair opportunities in American life.

If this bill is signed into law, it could set back disability rights nearly three decades — that’s why we have to act now to defeat it:

Sign my petition if you agree: Tell the Republicans to stop targeting people living with disabilities who deserve the same civil rights and opportunities as any American citizen. Make your voice heard right now. 

sign the petition »

This is not the first time the Republicans have targeted people with disabilities over the previous year. And it likely won’t be the last.

During the debate to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the plans the Republicans proposed time and again would’ve been devastating for those living with a disability.

And let’s not forget Betsy Devos, who has consistently sided against students with disabilities, even rescinding guidance designed to protect them last October.

The legislation being debated in the House this week would make it more difficult for Americans living with a disability to demand equal opportunity and accommodation in our country — and that’s why I’m asking:

Can you sign my petition demanding Republicans stop targeting people with disabilities? We should be doing more to protect them, not less.

Thanks for all you do,

Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator, California

sign the petition »

Join us to celebrate Fiona’s birthday!

Fiona Ma

Anyone who knows me knows that March is my favorite month of the year. It’s probably not hard to guess why, but just in case you are confused, it’s because it’s my birthday month! Most people celebrate just one day, but not me — I celebrate the entire month. Who doesn’t love a good party!

It’s hard to believe that the primary election is just over four months away. The campaign is going strong, and we are continuing to build momentum everyday. Early March brings me home to San Francisco, and the campaign has two amazing fundraisers planned to help me celebrate my birthday.

Wedne‌sday, M‌arch 7‌, 201‌8 — Birthday Celebration @ Hotel Via

  • Hosted By: Trevar Booker, Hala Hijazi, Barbara Perzigian, Keena Turner, Collin Wong & Eric Wright
  • Special Guests: Honorable Willie L. Brown, Jr. & Joe O’Donoghue

Thurs‌day, M‌arch ‌8, 201‌8 — Karaoke Bash @ The Mint

I really hope you will come and celebrate with me — it wouldn’t be the same without you. If you can’t make it, please consider donating anyways. We really need the help to get our message out.


Stay tuned for the announcement of my birthday events in Southern California: I will have one in L‌os ‌Angeles on Ma‌rch 1‌ and in S‌an Di‌ego on Ma‌rch 2‌0.

All the Best,


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