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It’s been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of this week’s activities, and happy Pride Month from all of us at the CDP.

Committee Appointments
As part of our commitment to a shared governance model of decision-making in the CDP, staff and leadership have begun the preliminary process of reviewing applications to serve on CDP standing committees. We received nearly 1,300 applications to serve — an astounding sign of grassroots energy and enthusiasm. Chair Bauman and the Statewide Officers anticipate announcing their appointments shortly.

Executive Board — Save The Date!
The Summer Executive Board meeting will be held Au‌gust 2‌5-27 in Anaheim. This will be the first opportunity for committees and caucuses to meet in the new term. Registration, room block, and agenda details are being finalized — stay tuned for more information.

In Case You Missed It…

One week closer to 2018!

— CDP Update