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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Circling back on this. My team and supporters have been working around the clock on this. We need your help to send a united message to Washington before it’s too late. Add your name here >>

Begin forwarded message:

WARNING: President Trump and Devin Nunes are working to undermine the Affordable Care Act as we speak.

Even though millions of Americans rely on the ACA, Trump, Nunes, and Republicans are actively working to ensure its failure which would create savage consequences for so many.

Add your name: Sign the petition to protect our healthcare >>>

Andrew Janz has been focused on filling in the gaps that are being created in the enrollment process. His team and supporters have been volunteering their time helping people get enrolled in healthcare and fighting for your right to affordable, quality coverage.

We need all the help we can get to protect the ACA from petty, political attacks from Republicans in Congress.

Add your name to the petition to protect our healthcare >>>