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The night of November 8th, 2016 was a wake-up call for millions of Americans, Regina included. The level of political engagement we’ve seen has exploded across the board since that tough November night.

It’s been just over a year of incredible challenges, and we’ve met them head-on with courage and conviction. I know that when we put our determination and dollars behind our beliefs, we can move mountains >>

If you’ve ever needed evidence that Washington desperately needs change, witness the whiplash gearing up to Trump’s first State of the Union Address:

  • It’s been just over a week since Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan led our government to another embarrassing and costly shutdown.
  • President Trump will deliver his State of the Union address in the face of record-breaking disapproval ratings.
  • Trump doesn’t have a robust legislative agenda to lean on during his address. Thanks to McClintock flipping his vote, Trump has passed exactly one piece of significant (and historically unpopular) legislation that strictly benefits his wealthy, dark-money donors and one-percenter friends.

Nevertheless, Trump is likely to distort, deceive, and mislead Americans about the state of the economy, infrastructure, and immigration during his address to Congress. While McClintock buddies up to Trump, McConnell and Ryan at the Capitol, Team Bateson is getting to work.

Now’s the time to join us. Your contribution will go straight towards pushing back against the Trump/McClintock agenda for CA-04. If we organize smarter and work harder, we can bring Regina’s fresh voice and ethical leadership to Congress >>