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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

One of the best parts about being a member of Team Cory is that community service is woven throughout everything we do — including the boss’s birthday. So, when Cory proposed we celebrate his big 5-0 with a day of service, we couldn’t wait to invite you.
That’s why we’re asking you, as one of our best supporters, to host a 50-minute (or longer!) community service event in your neighborhood next Saturday. We’re calling it “50 for 50”.
Knowing Cory, none of this will come as a surprise to you. He’s always been dedicated to serving his community in any capacity he can. When Cory graduated from law school, he started his career in Newark to work as a tenants’ rights lawyer alongside some fierce local advocates.
When he was mayor, he got a reputation for personally helping shovel driveways for people in need. And now he’s the only senator who still goes home to a low-income community.
So our campaign is honoring that spirit by asking volunteers like you to host a community service event in your town. Will you sign up to host a 50-minute service event in your area on April 27 in honor of Cory’s 50th birthday?
Team Cory
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Paid for by Cory 2020


P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved. 

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible. 

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This campaign is moving quickly. If you want the most up-to-date information, follow Cory on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. 

It’s time for leadership that can reignite our spirit of common purpose. That takes all of us.