*** Alex Padilla has been endorsed for Secretary of State by the CDP ***
We were hoping for the best, but the worst has happened. The Trump administration has decided to add a question about citizenship to the 2020 decennial Census.
The stakes are high. We know from history that questioning the citizenship of every person in America will discourage and intimidate non-citizens from participating in the census. A census undercount would cost California billions in federal funding for the next decade. That means less critical funding for healthcare, education, infrastructure, housing, and more.
More importantly, a population undercount would lead to California having less representation through the reapportionment process — literally diminishing our voice in Congress.
The law is clear. Federal law and the Constitution are clear: the decennial Census is supposed to obtain an accurate count of our country’s population. That means the census is supposed to count everyone, including non-citizens.
We will fight. We appealed to the Department of Commerce, but the administration has chosen to ignore science, common sense, and the Constitution. We have no choice but to challenge this decision in court.
Yesterday, Attorney General Xavier Becerra and I announced that California has filed suit challenging this flawed decision.
I know we shouldn’t be surprised. This decision is a continuation of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric and agenda. But that doesn’t make it right.
We will continue to fight.
Thank you for your support,
Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State