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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Dear Democrats,

We are proud to be progressive Democrats – not just in name but in action.


From education to the environment, from high wages to health care to human rights, California is proof positive that progressive values put into action improve the human condition.

We succeed because we are dreamers, not dividers.

We succeed because we double down on lifting people up. Not putting them down.

We succeed because we lead from the heart – and a position of strength.

We are not going to allow one election to reverse generations of progress.

California is the national leader in protecting our planet and our children’s future.

We have passed the toughest emission standards in America. We have strongest energy efficiency laws and now we’re moving forward with the most ambitious clean energy goals.

The latest effort in our clean energy journey is SB 100. My vision is to put California on the path to 100% fossil-fuel free electricity by the year 2045. 100% renewable energy means a cleaner and better future for our children.

Visit our website here and learn more about our work toward a clean energy future.

We are a party diverse in thought and background, but we are united in our Democratic ideals. This weekend, I am confident in our ability to come together and execute the work before us as we continue to make California America’s exceptional example.

In solidarity,

Kevin de León

President of the California State Senate


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