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Bright Blue Tuesday!
Tues‌day’s Election Day was a landslide for Democrats. We recaptured the Governor’s office in New Jersey, giving Democrats another state with Democratic majorities in both Houses of the Legislature and a Democrat in the Governor’s office. In Virginia, our candidate for Governor, Lt. Governor Ralph Northam, led Virginia Democrats to a clean sweep of the state offices (including electing the first African American statewide official since Douglas Wilder’s historic victory for Governor in 1989). Even more impressively, the House of Delegates contests there went for the Democrats in a landslide, where we picked up at least 14 seats — including electing the first openly transgender Legislator in history — and possibly even captured a majority, pending recounts in five Republican districts.Democrats also won crucial legislative seats in Georgia. We elected a mayor in Helena, Montana who came to the U.S. as a refugee from Liberia, and we elected the first woman as mayor of Manchester, New Hampshire, breaking a 14-year Republican grip on that office. Here in California, the City of Palm Springs elected its first transgender City Councilmember — the first trans person elected to a non-judicial office in our state. Palm Springs also elected its first millennial Councilmember.

And in one of the most consequential election victories of 2017, Democrats recaptured control of the Washington State Senate. California, Oregon, and Washington have formed a Big Blue Wall on the West Coast, and we can work with our brothers and sisters to the north to set the national progressive agenda.

West Coast Blue Wall

Let’s double our efforts to make sure 2017 is a just a down payment on the kinds of victories Democrats will win in 2018!

Making Work For You
At the upcoming executive board meeting in Millbrae, CDP Secretary Jenny Bach and CDP Communications Director John Vigna will be hosting a one-hour listening session on ways to improve our website. We want ca‌ to be as engaging and informative as possible, and we need your thoughts, ideas, and feedback on ways we can make sure our CDP website is a useful resource for our activists. Can’t make the meeting in Millbrae? Send us your website thoughts to

Wait… Is There an App for That?!?
Controller Dan Weitzman is a big-time believer in making technology work for Democrats. As our Controller, he believes that one of the most important things we can do to further the grassroots donor revolution that propelled Barack Obama into the White House and was used so successfully by Senator Bernie Sanders is to make donating small contributions as easy as possible. As part of that effort, he’s been reaching out to technology companies to get a sense of what the latest platforms are, and how we might successfully use them to help bring in more clean money to our Party. Just this week, he met with representatives from PayPal, and had a great in-depth discussion. Stay turned for a full report at the executive board meeting.

Last Call – Make Your Voice Heard in CDP’s 2017-2018 Platform Drafting Process
The CDP Platform Committee is currently in its biennial platform drafting process — and we need your input and participation to make sure that our 2018 Platform reflects the core values and principles that California Democrats cherish. The deadline to submit platform testimony and language proposals is F‌riday, Nove‌mber 17, 2017 at 5‌ PM. To submit written testimony and language proposals, and for more information on the CDP Platform, please visit the CDP Platform webpage at The 2018 Platform will be considered and adopted at the 2018 CDP State Convention. Please share this information with your contacts.

More DEM2018 Bingo
Join CDP Controller Dan Weitzman, Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma and Assemblymember Tony Thurmond for DEM2018 Bingo at the CDP Executive Board meeting in Millbrae. DEM2018 Bingo was a hit in Anaheim and will be even more fun this time! Free food, drinks and cool prizes — don’t miss this great event, Frid‌ay, Nov‌ember 1‌7 from 8-10‌pm.

DEM2018 Bingo

In Case You Missed It – Eric Bauman Day Edition
We are so proud of our CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman. He’s saved countless lives as a registered nurse (including a few times when he’s had to spring into action at political events). He’s been a friend and mentor to countless Democratic activists throughout the state. He’s working tirelessly to make California the Big Blue Beacon of progress and opportunity we need to advance our progressive values and reclaim our country.

In recognition of all that hard work and more (we haven’t even mentioned his 17 years as Chair of the LACDP yet), Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz was joined by Mayor Eric Garcetti, City Attorney Mike Feuer, Council President Herb Wesson, and Councilmember Bob Blumenfield officially proclaim Tues‌day, No‌vember 7, 2‌017 as Eric C. Bauman Day in the City of Los Angeles. The resolution, which was introduced by Councilmember Koretz, was presented to Chair Bauman on Tuesday during the City Council meeting.

Eric C. Bauman Day

Congratulations, Eric.

One week closer to 2018!

— CDP Update