This has been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of the week’s activities.
Stay Safe During Emergencies
The recent wildfires in the North Bay, Orange County and other communities throughout the state have been sobering reminders for all of us that living in California means needing to be prepared for disasters at all times. Check out Be Prepared California for tips on putting together disaster kits, having disaster plans in place, and talking to kids about disasters and disaster safety.
Also, be sure to check out Nixle, a free service that sends you an alert on your mobile device in the event of local emergences. Reverse-911 calls are only made to landlines, so not everyone gets the information in time. Nixle relays urgent bulletins from local authorities to mobile customers by zip code, and in the event of a disaster like a wildfire or flood, every moment is crucial. Signing up is easy – simply text your zip code to 888777.
This has been an extraordinary week in the wake of the #MeToo campaign. Women across our state are speaking out about their experiences with sexual harassment and sexual assault, and that discussion includes many women who work in politics.
We released a statement from CDP Women’s Caucus Chair Christine Pelosi on sexual harassment in politics, and CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman forwarded the statement to our list serve with the following note:
“I am absolutely committed to ensuring that our Party is a place where everyone is valued and respected, and where no woman – whether they are an activist, volunteer, elected official, party officer or staff member – is ever subjected to degrading and demeaning behavior. This is a timely and important discussion for the entire political community and it’s one I take very seriously. As Chair Pelosi says, we will continually strive to do better.”
Read Chair Pelosi’s full statement here.
California Heads to the DNC
The California Delegation is in full force at the Democratic National Committee Fall Meeting, which continues through this weekend. Chair Eric C. Bauman and Vice Chair Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker attended the Association of State Democratic Chairs to update their peers on what’s happening in California, and our state’s elected DNC members are proudly representing the state that’s leading the National Resistance!
We’ll have a complete write-up next week, but we want to congratulate the outstanding California Democrats who have already been elected to positions in the DNC leadership:
- Jess Durfee, DNC Western Regional Caucus Chair
- Keith Umemoto, DNC Western Regional Caucus Vice Chair
- Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker, DNC Women’s Caucus First Vice Chair
- Michael Kapp, DNC Youth Council Vice Chair
- Christine Pelosi, DNC Executive Committee Member
- Garry Shay, DNC Executive Committee Member
And we want to thank our outgoing DNC Western Regional Caucus Chair, the incomparable Aleita Huguenin, for her many years of dedicated and passionate service. She has been a tireless leader, booster, mentor and friend to Democrats throughout our Western Region, helping our brothers and sisters in states like Idaho, Alaska and Arizona grow and strengthen their Democratic Parties – and helping Democrats in California, Oregon and Washington as we’ve set the standards for cutting edge progress and resistance. We have been so lucky to have Aleita fighting for us at the DNC, and we are deeply grateful for her many years of service.
CDP Platform Central Valley Statewide Hearing – Sunday, November 5, 2017
The CDP Platform Central Valley Statewide Hearing will be held on Sunday, November 5, 2017, 10 AM, prior to the November CDP Executive Board Meeting. The information is as follows:
CDP Platform Central Valley Statewide Hearing
Sunday, November 5, 2017 – 10 AM
California Teachers Association – Fresno Regional Resource Center
5330 N. Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93710
CDP Job Openings
The CDP is hiring for positions at Your Democratic Party Headquarters and in Southern California. Please click here to see Employment Opportunities.
Rules Committee Executive Board Meeting Update
At the August 2017 CDP Executive Board Meeting, the CDP Rules Committee recommended Bylaw amendment proposals for consideration at the November 2017 CDP Executive Board Meeting, November 17-19, 2017, at the Westin San Francisco Airport.
Please click here to view the Bylaw amendment proposals for consideration and click here to view a memo on Bylaw amendment proposal regarding platform.
Please click here to visit the CDP Rules Committee webpage for other information.
Platform Committee Requests Your Input
The CDP adopts a platform every two years. The CDP Platform Committee is currently working on drafting the new platform, which will be considered and adopted at the California Democrats State Convention in 2018. We welcome your input and participation through the drafting process. Please note that all testimony and language proposals must be submitted in writing.
The deadline to submit written testimony and language proposals is Friday, November 17, 2017, at 5 PM. To submit written testimony and language proposals, please visit the CDP Platform Committee webpage at Please feel free to share this information with your contacts.
In Case You Missed It
CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman slammed the California Republican Party for inviting Steve Bannon to address the CRP state convention:
“Steve Bannon is a race-baiting thug masquerading as a pseudo-intellectual. Not since the days of George Wallace and Bull Connor have such prominent racists been considered political leaders, but it’s clear that the Donald Trump Republican Party has chosen to double down on the alt-right, white supremacist element that Steve Bannon so proudly represents.
Let’s be absolutely clear: Steve Bannon’s slimy politics are the politics of rapacious greed, ignorant fear and astounding contempt for women, people of color, the LGBT community, immigrants and the poor and middle class. If California Republicans are wondering why they have been virtually wiped out in California, it’s because they continue to embrace hateful, divisive men like Steve Bannon and Donald Trump as their prophets and leaders.”
Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers for advancing to the World Series! Make California (and a couple of CDP officers…) Proud!
— CDP Update