This has been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of the week’s activities.
Last Call for Childcare Surveys
If you haven’t had a chance to complete the CDP Childcare survey, please take a moment to do so. Access to childcare shouldn’t be a barrier to participating in our California Democratic Party, and your responses to this survey will help us determine which, if any, next steps to take. You can complete the survey here.
Fresno Democrats Out in Force!
We want to recognize the Fresno County Democratic Party for the amazing work they did organizing a demonstration against the notorious ex-sheriff and convicted criminal Joe Arpaio, who was in Fresno last weekend for a fundraiser for the Fresno County Republican Party. Working in partnership with our brothers and sisters in Labor (as well as numerous local groups), Fresno Dems turned out hundreds of folks to show that Joe Arpaio-style hatred and divisiveness have no place in California. Check out some of these great pics of the event!
Platform Committee Requests Your Input
The CDP adopts a platform every two years. The CDP Platform Committee is currently working on drafting the new platform, which will be considered and adopted at the California Democrats State Convention in 2018.
We welcome your input and participation through the drafting process. Please note that all testimony and language proposals must be submitted in writing. The deadline to submit written testimony and language proposals is Friday, November 17, 2017, at 5 PM. To submit written testimony and language proposals, please visit the CDP Platform Committee webpage at Please feel free to share the information with your contacts.
Regional Meetings
CDP Regional Meetings are held across the state prior to the November 2017 CDP Executive Board Meeting and are currently underway. For information on the Regional Meeting in your area, please visit the CDP Events webpage.
Endorsement General Information
The CDP Endorsements webpage is live at Please visit the Endorsements webpage for information on the 2018 CDP endorsement process. The webpage will be updated periodically as we head into the 2018 election cycle.
In Case You Missed It
CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman spoke out against the hatefulness Joe Arpaio represents. He also slammed Donald Trump’s “nauseating” comments for “displaying breathaking insensitivity, stupidity, crassness” about the disaster affecting 3.6 million Americans on Puerto Rico.
And he applauded the historic signing of the California Values Act, which was introduced by Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León and signed into law by Governor Brown:
“From the moment Donald Trump won the election, California Democrats have been united in our determination to protect our undocumented brothers and sisters from the cruelty and viciousness of the Trump administration’s stated promises of roundups and deportations. In the hours after the election, I called on our leaders to erect a legal wall of protections around the rights of undocumented immigrants, as well as women, people of color, and LGBT citizens whose rights are threatened.
With today’s signing of SB 54 into law, one of the most important parts of that legal wall of protections is now in place. Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions will not be able to use California’s own law enforcement officials in an effort to round up and deport our fellow Californians. I want to thank Governor Brown and Senator de Leon for standing up for California’s undocumented community. This is a powerful expression of California’s belief that immigrants are a vibrant and crucial part of our state, and that we will passionately resist any efforts to harm our brothers and sisters.”
One week closer to 2018!
— CDP Update