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The CDP team is full steam ahead planning for the annual State Convention coming up Febr‌uary 23-2‌5, 2018, in San Diego. Stay tuned for more updates to come soon.

With the deadline for additions or changes to DSCC delegates and endorsement eligible voter lists having now passed, we are also heading into the next stage of the endorsement process. Below are some important dates and procedures to note:

CDP Endorsement Registration Process

The endorsement registration process for candidate endorsement consideration will begin Monday, Dec‌ember 4, 2017. Registration forms will be posted on the CDP Endorsements webpage:

  • Statewide Candidates – Filing deadline is Frid‌ay, Janu‌ary 19, 2018, 5 PM.
  • U.S. House, State Senate, and State Assembly Candidates – Filing deadline (receipt by mail) prior to the CDP Pre-Endorsing Conferences is Fri‌day, Janua‌ry 19, 2018, 5 PM. After that date, registration forms and filing fees may be hand-delivered to the CDP Pre-Endorsing Conference of the relevant district.
  • Pre-Endorsing Conferences – CDP Pre-Endorsing Conferences will be held by CDP Regions on Janua‌ry 27-28, 2018, to consider the endorsement recommendations of U.S. House, State Senate, and State Assembly election contests. Specific details for each Pre-Endorsing Conference will be posted on the CDP Endorsements webpage in December.
  • Reminder – All Candidates Must File for Endorsement Consideration – As a reminder, all candidates, regardless of incumbency status, must register and file for CDP endorsement consideration, if the candidates wish to seek CDP endorsement.

CDP Endorsement-Related Rules Update – Adopted at the November 2017 CDP Executive Board Meeting

As you may know from our last Weekly Update, below is a recap of the endorsement-related rules update as adopted at the November 2017 CDP Executive Board Meeting in Millbrae:

  • Candidates Affirm Reading of CDP Platform: Candidates seeking CDP endorsement consideration shall affirm in writing that they have read the most current CDP Platform. (CDP Bylaws Art. VIII, Sec. 3 c (3))
  • Threshold to Receive CDP Endorsement Recommendation at Endorsing Caucuses: All candidates require 60% of valid votes cast by credentialed, present and voting delegates or their qualified proxies to receive the endorsement recommendation at Endorsing Caucuses held on Saturday of the 2018 State Convention. (CDP Bylaws Art. VIII, Sec. 3 c (8))

CDP Endorsement/Rules-Related Key Webpages

While we are preparing for spreading our big blue beacon of hope, Donald Trump is continuing to divide our country and threaten our cordial relationships with our allies. In case you missed it, here is Chair Bauman’s statement.

Los Angeles – California Democratic Party Chair Eric C. Bauman released the following statement denouncing President Trump’s racist attacks on Muslims and his inflammatory, reckless distribution of anti-Muslim content:

“America is a nation of immigrants whose enduring values are stronger than Trump’s trigger-finger tweets. His racist rants and baseless attacks on our Muslim brothers and sisters are as un-American as they are dangerous. That Trump has aligned himself with violent extremists like British ultranationalist leader Jayda Fransen is shameful but unfortunately not surprising. In just 313 days holding the nation’s highest office, Trump has brought unprecedented shame on the White House and stoked the very fear and hate that represent the real threats to America’s safety.”

We close in commemoration of World AIDS Day with a call-to-action. As people across the U.S. seek to #GetTested and #GetTreated, the Republican’s “Soak the Rich” tax bill would be devastating for healthcare funding. For those living with HIV/AIDS and all we’ve lost, keep calling Washington to defeat this bill and protect healthcare.

Graph of projected uninsured under tax bill
Graphic: Vox.‌com