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The Week of August 5, 2019

The Weekly CD-21 Newsletter

Welcome! This newsletter is designed to keep you updated on what’s happening in the 21st Congressional District. It will catch you up to speed on TJ’s work and the various ways you can volunteer and get involved in local organizations. 



Last Saturday, August 3rd, TJ held a stunning Open House in Selma and met with more than 100 of his constituents. He let everyone know about the various services his congressional office provides, gave a legislative update, and recognized all of the hard work done by his staff and interns. Rep. Cox noted that his first 200 days in office have been extremely productive for the people of the Central Valley. Enjoy some photos from the event below!



Since being in office, TJ Cox has voted to pass H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act which aims to provide a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. Additionally, he voted to strengthen protections for people with pre-existing conditions, lower prescription drug costs, and bring down health care premiums.

The House passed the Paycheck Fairness Act which aims to close the gender gap, and reauthorized the Violence against Women Act. Most recently, TJ Voted to increase the minimum wage to help working-class people support their families.

Additionally, TJ saw his Family Farmer Relief Act pass the House and the Senate. TJ’s legislation will give Central Valley farmers the tools to thrive amidst the challenges brought on by Trump’s Trade War. Way to go TJ!


The election isn’t too far away. We need your help to make sure we keep this seat in Democratic hands. Below is a list of volunteer opportunities in CA-21, so please do not hesitate to sign up!

  • Register voters with the Hanford Jimmy Carter Club at Alma’s Flea Market on Monday, August 12th and 26th at 8 am – 1 pm. Register to attend here.
  • Register voters at the Naturalization Ceremony in Fresno on Tuesday, August 20th. We’re meeting at 10 am at the Fresno Convention Center (Ernest E. Valdez Exhibit Hall). Register to attend here.  
  • Register voters with Swing Left in Bakersfield on August 26th and 27th. We will convene at Dagny’s coffee at noon. You can find the sign-up link here
  • Write and send ‘Happy Birthday’ Postcards to voters in CA-21. Sign up here to host a postcard party! 

To plug volunteer opportunities you’re coordinating, please reply to and I will include your event in my next email! 

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