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*** No candidate for Governor has been endorsed by the CDP ***

We have just five days until election day!

If you haven’t turned in your vote-by-mail ballot and have any questions, watch this short video. I’ll explain the ins and outs of voting by mail — with some help from the kids, of course!

Click here to watch and share, and remember to turn in your ballot by election day or vote in person on June 5!


Thank you,

Amanda Renteria is running for Governor in California — because it’s time for new voices who can change the culture of politics. Amanda recently stepped down as Chief of Operations for California’s Department of Justice. She is the daughter of former farmworkers in the Central Valley who went on to attend Stanford and Harvard. Since beginning her career in public service nearly two decades ago, she has served as a high school teacher, a budget analyst in one of California’s largest cities, and the first Latina Chief of Staff in history of the United States Senate. It’s time to inspire a new generation of leaders and build a California ready for the future. Click here to donate if you agree.