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*** No candidate for U.S. Senate has been endorsed by the CDP ***

I’m humbled, proud, and so thankful to let you know that because of your efforts, I’ll be advancing to the general election to challenge Senator Dianne Feinstein.

In yesterday’s primary elections, the overwhelming majority of voters called for a referendum on a broken establishment in Washington D.C. that has stopped working for the people of California.

It’s time for a new approach.

This nation was built on the promise that anyone willing to risk it all to come here – regardless of who they are or where they came from – could have a fair shot at a hard day’s work, afford a roof over their head, affordable healthcare, and an equal opportunity to succeed.

It’s time Californians had a United States Senator committed to making good on that promise.

Voters deserve a spirited debate in the coming months on the issues they care about most and the challenges facing our state.

I look forward to engaging my opponent on the debate stage as we face-off in November.

And most importantly, I look forward to continuing this fight with you, Michael. It’s this team that made our win last night possible.

And it’s this team that will advance our progressive vision forward in November.

Today, we celebrate.

Tomorrow, we get back to work on bringing our California values to Washington, D.C.


With gratitude,


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