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Urge Gov. Brown to sign SB 17 and SB 63 into law for drug price transparency and expanded family leave for Californians.
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As the California State Legislature recently wrapped up this year’s session, I wanted to thank you for your efforts to make California a better place to call home.

Together, we’ve successfully passed a cap-and-trade and air quality package, drug pricing transparency legislation, and a bill to expand guaranteed family leave. And we couldn’t have done this without the hundreds of letters and calls to legislators from concerned activists like you.

With Governor Jerry Brown’s signature, we can make these crucial reforms a reality for California families.

Urge Gov. Brown to sign Senate Bill 17 and Senate Bill 63 for more transparency in prescription drug prices and expanded family leave for Californians.

Urge Gov. Brown to sign SB 17 and SB 63 into law for drug price transparency and expanded family leave for Californians.

Urge Gov. Brown to sign SB 17 and SB 63 into law for drug price transparency and expanded family leave for Californians.

These victories will bring lasting change to our communities, but the fight continues for these key pieces of legislation next year:

  • Assembly Bill 1184 would put more electric vehicles on the road in California.
  • SB 10, which reforms California’s money bail system to be more fair and just.
  • SB 100 would put our state on a path to get 100 percent of our electricity from clean energy.
  • SB 623 expands access to clean, safe drinking water to communities in crisis.

In January, we can build upon this year’s victories and make California a healthier and fairer place to live. For now, let’s celebrate our hard-fought wins and ensure family leave and transparency for prescription drugs become law.

Act now: Ask Gov. Brown to sign SB 17 and SB 63 into law.

Thank you,

Tom Steyer
NextGen America