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We wanted to make sure you got this news, Michael.

David Valadao just launched another attack ad against TJ Cox in a last-ditch effort to hold his seat.

From the get-go, TJ made it clear to me, our staff, and all our grassroots supporter that this would be a positive campaign focused on the issues that matter to us here at home. That ’’ s why he ’’ s so focused on health care access, protecting Medicare, ending the trade war, and taking on special interests in Washington.

We ’’ re going to continue running a campaign around our local values, but TJ isn ’’ t taking any corporate PAC money and we need your support to fight back and make sure voters know the truth. Can you chip in a donation today?

$10 > > > > $35 > > > > $50 > > > >

Here ’’ s the truth: David Valadao doesn ’’ t have much of a record to run on. And he ’’ s sided with Donald Trump 99% of the time because his special interest donors demand it from him. This is NOT the kind of representation our communities needs.

Michael — chip in a donation and make sure that TJ Cox has the resources the fight back against Valadao ’’ s cheap attacks and make sure we have the resources to fight back > > > >

Thanks for your support,

Francois Genard
Campaign Manager
