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*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

This is AMAZING:

The experts at the Cook Political Report just put out an analysis listing 7 “risk factors” indicating how vulnerable each Republican incumbent is in 2018. David Valadao has 5 of 7 risk factors!

   In a district that Hillary Clinton won in 2016
   Voted to REPEAL the Affordable Care Act
   Voted FOR the “Trump Tax Scam”
   In a district with a 5-point Democratic advantage
   Has a Democratic opponent with at least $200,000   ← that’s us!

David Valadao is in an all-out panic but we have to build on this momentum if we’re going to keep him on the ropes! Can you pitch in to help us FLIP this seat and send TJ Cox to Congress?

End of month target: $15,000
Suggested Contribution: $12.33 or more

This community knows that TJ Cox will be a fighter for the Central Valley.

He stands against Trump’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and supports tax relief for California’s working families — not for the corporations and the wealthy elites like Valadao has.

That’s why right-wing super PACs, Trump, and even Mike Pence are pulling out all the stops to halt our momentum.

Can you make sure TJ can stay in this fight by chipping in a donation before our end-of-month deadline?

Thank you,

TJ Cox for Congress
