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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Delaine wants to hear from you – will you help? Send your short (15 seconds-1 minute) video to about why you believe Delaine should be the next Governor of California, and how you would like to be listed.

Our Campaign Chair, Katherine Welch, another volunteer for Delaine, gave it a try and hopes you will too:

Some short instructions:

Turn on the video function on your phone (or device), hold it horizontally, look into the camera and tell us why you want Delaine as our next Governor. Don’t forget to include your name and city you are from.

Thank you for using your voice to help Delaine. We will be using these in our outreach in various ways (social media, convention, etc.) so stay tuned!


Jennifer Rindahl
Campaign Manager

ps. We welcome t-shirt design and slogan ideas until May 1! Please also email those to

pps. We hate it, but money still talks. And for us to be taken seriously, we need to show them the money. Please join our campaign now by donating $2.92. (Why $2.92? Because $29,200 is the maximum donation for the Governor’s race. We know few of our supporters will ever come close to that amount, but we believe we can power our campaign through small donations.)