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Dear Friend,

I believe a higher education is the cornerstone to democracy. As Lieutenant Governor, I look forward to working on higher education issues.

I am committed to using my positions as a voting and vocal member of the UC Board of Regents and the CSU Board of Trustees to make higher education more affordable and accessible for all Californians.

As a proud CSU graduate, I know the importance that our public higher education plays in providing access to a quality higher education. CSU helped me get to where I am today. However, I know the challenges students face – as a single parent I worked 35 hour weeks, while attending school as a Cal Grant recipient just to make ends meet.

As a State Legislator, I fought to reduce the financial burden on students and families. I advocated for full funding to the CSU and UC systems to ensure no tuition increases and rejected any proposed tuition increases. I will continue working to ensure our public universities are accessible and affordable for ALL students, especially those from underserved and underrepresented communities.

A bold policy agenda is necessary to make our higher education system our top priority. We must return to the dream of affordable higher education established in the California Master Plan for Higher Education. That means reforming the Master Plan of the 1960s to build an education system that serves the workforce of the future.

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Here’s a few things you can do:

Spread the word on social media! Here are a few sample posts you can copy.

  • Twitter: “I support @DrEdHernandez for Lt. Governor. He has the experience and courage to keep fighting for working Californians.”
  • Facebook: “On November 6, I’m voting for @Dr. Ed Hernandez for Lt. Governor. He will keep our families first, not corporate interests. Learn more about him at
  • Share his most recent video – Choice: Ed Hernandez for Lieutenant Governor.
  • Show your support by sharing these images on your accounts.
  • Print this sign and place it in your home or business window.

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  • They can learn more about me if they visit

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  • Any amount helps spread our message across California.
  • You can donate here.

Thank you for your support,

Dr. Ed Hernandez

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FPPC # 1374488