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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.



United Food and Commercial Workers Local 5 and Chicano Latino Caucus Tap Ellis for CDP Chair

For Immediate Release
Contact: 510-560-3704

OAKLAND, Calif. (May 8, 2017): Momentum continues for Kimberly Ellis in the race for Chair of the California Democratic Party (CDP) with additional support from two key constituencies with the endorsement of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 5 and its 30,000 members and the California Democratic Party’s Chicano Latino Caucus.

“Our members stand proudly behind Kimberly Ellis, knowing she is the candidate who can expand and evolve Labor and the Party’s relationship to meet the organizing challenges of today,” said John Nunes, President of United Food and Commercial Workers Local 5. “As evidenced by her F.L.E.X. Plan, Kimberly doesn’t just talk about what needs to be addressed, she has a vision and concrete plan to get us there. We’re excited to work and partner with such a creative and visionary leader.”

United Food and Commercial Workers Local 5 is a 30,000 member labor union based in Hayward, California and is a progressive voice in the labor movement and community with a strong tradition of member advocacy and involvement. The union’s reach spans from Crescent City to King City, East to Davis, throughout both California and Arizona. Local 5 members work primarily in retail grocery and meat and in department stores, retail drug stores, candy stores, jewelry stores, agriculture and food processing, wholesale meat, seafood processing, financial services, education and the cannabis industry among others.

“Kimberly is a Chair we can all be proud of. She has an unshakable moral compass and inclusive leadership that inspires people into action, and we need these traits more than ever in our next CDP Chair,” said Carlos Alcala, Co-Chair of the Chicano Latino Caucus. “Right now, immigrant communities are under assault and Kimberly has realized the need to move beyond calling for legislative action, and instead has recognized the need to organize vulnerable communities locally and empowering individuals with knowing their rights.”


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