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Kamala Harris

Sign Kamala’s urgent petition denouncing the Trump Administration’s terrible plan to arm our teachers. We have to keep guns out of our schools.

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Instead of embracing widespread bipartisan calls to reform our gun laws in the wake of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, Trump and Republican leaders are moving forward with a proposal to give teachers guns.

That’s why Kamala took them to task last week — calling out the Trump Administration for pushing an idea that’ll put our kids in even more danger:

She’s right — and the worst part of this proposal is how it will disproportionately impact children of color who already face higher rates of discipline in our schools.

Millions of Americans — including students across this country — are rising up and demanding action on gun violence. It’s past time for Washington to listen to them. Now is the time to increase the minimum age to purchase a rifle, ban assault weapons and bump stocks, and make background checks universal for all gun purchases.

Sign Kamala’s petition denouncing the Trump Administration’s terrible plan to arm our teachers. Add your name now and let’s demand real action that will address the gun violence epidemic.

Thanks for taking action,

—Team Kamala

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