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*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

Input needed: The Fresno Bee reports that Trump’s trade policies and tariff plan could hurt Central Valley farmers. Can you take our one-minute survey and tell us where you stand on Trump’s tariff plan?

I’ve been hearing a lot of concern from farmers and business owners across the Central Valley about the retaliatory tariffs created by Trump’s impulsive trade policies. As someone in the almond business, I can tell you this: These tariffs are going to be bad for our community.

Trump’s tariffs do nothing but get us closer to a trade war and threaten our local businesses, good-paying jobs, and economic growth in the Central Valley. It’s not just disappointing that David Valadao refuses to stand up Trump on this issue — it’s negligent and harmful.

In Congress, I’ll fight for the Central Valley’s hard-working families and support legislation that helps our economy thrive. Right now I need to hear from 1,500 Californians >>

Do you support President Trump’s tariffs?

YES >> NO >>

Thanks for sharing your input,