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I’ll cut right to it: Donald Trump is starting to feel the heat. Just as a new poll has come out showing me beating him by 8 points, he’s attacking me.

Why? Because the prospect of our campaign winning scares him. Can you help me fight back against his attacks?

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This president has engaged in a cover-up. He’s obstructed justice. He openly welcomes foreign collusion. When I’m president, I won’t fear an independent DOJ, I’ll restore one.

Right now, Trump is using the DOJ to run interference on his own behalf, and he’s appointed an Attorney General to act like his personal defense lawyer — not the lawyer for the American people.

Let me be clear: no one is above the law — not even the President of the United States.

Together, we’re going to hold this president accountable — and we’ll start in this campaign by prosecuting the case in front of the American people against four more years of this Administration.

I’ve prosecuted a lot of cases. But rarely one with this much evidence.

Taking health care from working families. Passing a tax bill that benefited corporations and the top 1%. Starting a trade war that costs all Americans. Ripping babies from their parents. Equating neo-Nazis with civil rights marchers.

Not to mention, 10 counts of obstruction of justice. Fresno democratic, we have a winning case in this campaign.

Join me in fighting back against the president’s latest attack against us by rushing a donation to our campaign today:

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:



This election is about more than just winning the case to hold Donald Trump accountable. It’s about making the case for a vision of our country in which everyone sees themselves.

Thanks for joining me in this fight.

For The People,

— Kamala Harris