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Last week, Aileen Rizo won a monumental victory at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled that employers cannot justify paying a woman less than her male counterparts simply because she earned a lower salary in her previous job. This was a tremendous ruling for women that will help disrupt one of the critical ways the gender pay gap is reinforced.

Not only is Aileen the focus of this landmark decision, she is also the CDP-endorsed candidate running for the Assembly from the Central Valley’s 23rd District. I am so proud that our Party has rallied behind this amazing woman. Learn more about Aileen by visiting her website here.

The gender wage gap in our economy is embarrassing, and it’s unjust. It deprives women of the opportunities we deserve to advance and compete in the workforce. The data is absolutely clear: The pay gap starts almost as soon as a woman enters the workforce, and it persists throughout her career.

By the time she’s ready to retire, she’ll have fewer savings to live on — which is one of the main reasons why women are so much more likely to spend their final years in poverty. Women deserve equal pay for equal work. This is simply a matter of justice.

The 9th Circuit’s ruling is a powerful win for women, but we have so much more work to do to truly eliminate the wage gap — and it starts with electing tremendous women leaders like Aileen so that we have a seat at the table when policy decisions are made.

Thank you, Aileen, for all the sacrifices you had to make to win this landmark ruling, and for stepping up to run for office and keep making a difference!

Democratically Yours,

Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker, Vice Chair
California Democratic Party

Jenny Bach, Secretary
California Democratic Party