Dear Delegates…
If you have a question, just hit the reply button. The next Candidate Forum I will personally be attending is in West Hollywood on April 8, 2019. You can ask the organizer if they are going to stream the event here.
This last week we saw what can happen to grassroots activists as they try to make their community better. Our condolences go out to the family, friends and colleagues of Nipsey Hussle. On a broader level, it is a reminder that no one is immune to violence when you are trying to change things in your community for the better because there is always someone against that kind of good.
On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinated. May we elect a President in 2020 that has compassion and strength to withstand the evil and greed in this world so we can get to working for the benefit of the average working class people in this country.
We are not only at a crises at the national level, but at the state level as well. I went to Bakersfield. I saw the boarded up businesses in that city. I know we have a housing shortage in our state. Everything is not good for everybody, everywhere.
In 2016, I said we need to stand up to the bullies and unify the party. We detoxified. In January 2018, our Central Committee passed a Resolution and Code of Conduct to fix these problems. You have the power to do the same.
Thank you to all of the Democrats in Ventura County, San Luis Obispo, Bakersfield, Lemoore, Visalia, Fresno and San Jose for your hospitality and opportunity to meet and speak with you during our race for CDP Chair.
If elected as your next Chair, please know I am strong enough, smart enough, and skilled enough to fight for this party. I come with no strings attached and no favors owed. We will level the playing field where I can – and will – allow everyone a seat at the table.