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*** Tony Thurmond has been endorsed for State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the CDP ***

Dear Friend,


I know it sounds crazy – how could Tony Thurmond, endorsed by the Democratic Party, Los Angeles Times, and teachers, lose his race for Superintendent of Public Instruction?

Well, here’s how: any candidate who gets 50%+1 on June 5 will win outright.  And right now the billionaires are spending $8.6 million – a record-smashing amount – to attack Tony and elect his opponent.

These same billionaires opposed Proposition 30, which raised taxes on the very wealthiest Californians to fund public education.  Because their money is on the line, they will spend as much as possible to defeat Tony, a progressive who believes billionaires should pay their fair share to educate California’s kids.

We know that if voters hear Tony’s message, we win.  But this is a down ballot race and the fact is not that many people are paying attention to the Superintendent of Public Instruction election.

We need your help to change that, today. Will you help beat the billionaires and make sure Tony wins on June 5? Here are four ways you can help:

  1. Make a donation to keep Tony’s TV commercials on air until Election Day
  2. Share any one of Tony’s campaign commercials on Facebook and Twitter
  3. Send a letter to encourage voters you know to vote for Tony
  4. Write to your local newspaper to place a letter of support for Tony like this one

The time is now.  Election Day is just 5 short days away.  Help elect the clear, democratic choice for all of California’s public school students – Tony Thurmond.


Thank you for your support,


Maddie Franklin

Campaign Manager