Pitch in $10 or whatever you can before Tuesday’s end-of-month deadline to help Democrats win in every state.
One of the most common things Tom and I hear when we’re talking with grassroots supporters in Fresno and across the country is this: Folks want to know what we’re doing to fix what’s going on in Washington.
So let me tell you:
- Our success depends on how well we organize. That’s why we’re getting back to basics and investing millions to establish a national grassroots organizing infrastructure so we can compete in every single zip code.
- We’re winning again. Democrats have won in special elections in historically “Republican” districts from Oklahoma to Florida to New Hampshire, and we’re setting the table for even more big victories this year in states like Virginia and Alabama. The momentum is on our side, and we’re geared up to take back Congress in 2018.
- In Congress and statehouses all across the country, our mission is simple: Don’t bend or fold. Every Democrat I know is fighting as hard as they can to make sure health care, women’s rights, voting rights, our environment, and every one of our civil and human rights as Americans remain protected.
We absolutely still have our work cut out for us, but I know we can win with your continued support.
Thanks. Now let’s get to work.
Keith Ellison
Deputy Chair
Democratic National Committee