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Fresno County –

A budget is a reflection of our values. It should protect the most vulnerable in our society while investing in the future of our country. Trump’s proposed budget, perhaps intentionally, does the exact opposite.

This week we’re highlighting the stories of those who will be hurt most by the budget outlined by the White House. Add your name to say you oppose this callously crafted budget >>

Last week, we collected tens of thousands of stories from people who will be hurt most if this budget is enacted.

We are honored to share some of them with you today:

“I’ve lost too many people to cancer. I don’t want to lose my best friend to her rare brain disease because she loses her already-meager health coverage. I wouldn’t be able to afford to continue going to college without financial aid — and I’m not poor.” – Alaina

“As a mother, the cuts in public broadcasting are heartbreaking, especially considering how small an impact those cuts will have against the massive increases in spending elsewhere.” – Amanda

“Without the help of Rural Legal Aid, I would have been unfairly evicted. People who are low income need access to legal services in order to fight the injustices that they face, and since legal services are outrageously expensive, they can only access these services with the help of agencies that receive federal funding.” – Kelsey

“My parents, 92 and 94, will need more services in the future. The potential loss of meals on wheels would be devastating. I will manage, but what about those with few resources?” – Bryan

“One of my daughters is a NIH scientist and another daughter is a single mom who depends on summer and youth programs to help provide child care so she can work.” – Walt

Sign here to oppose Donald Trump’s disastrous budget.


“As a writer, I am deeply saddened by the elimination of the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities. For the last 50 years, these programs have facilitated the work of writers, artists, poets, researchers, and students. To cut them is to cut art and expression, cornerstones of American identity.” – Karen

“This ends up affecting all. We end up paying for those who do not have food, housing, basic essentials like a warm place to live. I received the Pell Grant in college. I want all to have the same opportunity to continue their education.” – Kristin

“I receive ‘meals on wheels, have needed emergency food at times, my daughter is a student and I love PBS programming.” – Karen

“Everything affects us—cuts to the environment puts our planet at risk. I am low-income, so every cut to Social Security, every hike in health care, public assistance program cut, is solidifying that I will spend my old age living and dying homeless on the street. What affects one of us affects all of us.” – Wayne

“My mother suffered from a very rare form of cancer. A team of doctors were able to recommend treatment tailored to this very rare cancer. I’m so concerned about the loss of funding for cancer research.” – Ercilia

“I have a disabled family member who is a very kind and wonderful person. She lives in public housing and receives health care that she would be unable to afford on her own. My family and I would be unable to support her. Another family member of mine just had a double mastectomy.” – Darlene

My hope is that it is clear to you, as it is to me, that we will not be made stronger with Trump’s budget. Cuts to meals for seniors, cancer research, and more are not in the best interests of the vast majority of Americans, especially lower income families.

I urge you to join this fight: add your name to our petition opposing this budget.

Fight on,
