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In a moment, I’m going to ask you to chip in what you can:                                                                                                                                                                         


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Over the past month, Trump, his administration, and his cronies in Congress have continued to tear away at the fabric of our democracy.

So, in a moment, I’m going to ask you to chip in what you can to help fund our fight here in California against the Republican’s agenda of hate and division (though if you don’t need more convincing, just click here to give what you can). But first, I want to remind you why our fight is so important.

Let’s start at the beginning of the month, when Trump and the GOP-controlled Senate refused to re-authorize the Violence Against Women Act — leaving domestic violence survivors across the nation without federal protections.

Then, on Tax Day (or before), millions of working Americans discovered that their tax refund is much less than in years past, while more corporations than ever before paid absolutely zero in taxes. All thanks to Trump’s massive tax cuts for the rich.

Then, the (redacted) Mueller report was released, making it clearer than ever how incredibly serious the misconduct was within the highest levels of the Trump campaign and administration. My favorite quote?

“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m f—ed.”
— Donald Trump

Unfortunately, Trump’s presidency hasn’t ended yet. But we can end it — and once again fight for working people and our progressive values — by beating Trump and his cronies in Congress at the ballot box in 2020.

But to do that, we have to reach our fundraising goal before our end-of-month deadline at midnight tomorrow.

Can you chip in $20.20 right now, so we can elect Democrats up and down the ballot — and beat Trump in 2020?

Thanks for being a California Democrat.

Chris Masami Myers, Executive Director
California Democratic Party

Paid for by the California Democratic Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Contributions are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution will be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Federal law requires that we use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.


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