It’s no secret: the San Joaquin Valley has some of the dirtiest air in the nation. Some days, it’s unsafe to be outside because the air is just too unhealthy to breathe.
Instead of adopting a plan to improve our air quality, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and California Air Resources Board are seeking more delays on an already-overdue plan to clean up pollution in the region.
The San Joaquin Valley recently experienced one of the worst air pollution events in decades, with fine particulate matter pollution (PM2.5) reaching dangerous levels. These extremely small air particles and droplets create hazy views and when inhaled can lodge deep in our lungs and even enter our bloodstream – constricting or blocking blood flow to the heart and brain.
We can’t wait any longer for cleaner air.
Thank you for taking action for clean air in our Valley,
Genevieve Gale
Policy Associate, Central Valley Air Quality (CVAQ) Coalition
San Joaquin Valley Representative, Coalition for Clean Air