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Dear Friends,

From the bottom of my heart, I wanted to extend my sincerest appreciation. Thank you.

Thank you for your enthusiasm and your continued support over the last two years during my run for Lieutenant Governor. Your contributions to this campaign, whether time or money, made our campaign a truly people-powered effort. I know in my heart, regardless of outcomes, all of you elevated our campaign to be successful.

It has been the honor of a lifetime campaigning statewide over the last couple of years. I was able to visit countless communities across California and experience the richness and uniqueness of each one. From coastal cities to mountain communities and rural farming towns to urban inner cities, California’s diversity is what makes it so different and special. Despite our differences though, I experienced a commonality amongst all the people in this state – hope for the future.

Your hope united us to create change, regardless of our differences. Your hope for a better future for your children and loved ones. Your hope for a strong economy with job opportunities. Your hope for a quality health care system that is truly affordable. Your hope for an educational system that provides opportunity and knowledge without crippling debt. Your hope for a community that has clean drinking water and breathable air.

These hopes were the driving force behind our campaign and a cornerstone of my motivations. They helped fortify my vision for the office of Lieutenant Governor.

Though this was not the outcome we hoped for, I congratulate my opponent and know she will work hard to create a better California for all of us.

I’d like to thank my supporters, friends, and most especially, my family.

Thank you to more than 2.5 million voters that voted for me.

Thank you to my daughters, Valerie and Jennifer, for always being positive rays of light.

Thank you to my dad and mom for always believing in me and supporting my endeavors.

But most importantly, I’d like to thank my wife, Diane, for her strength, love, and unwavering commitment along every step of this long journey.

With gratitude,
Dr. Ed Hernandez



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