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*** No Candidate for Governor has been endorsed by the CDP ***

Delaine Eastin for Governor 2018

For over a century, St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated more in the United States than in Ireland, as Irish immigrants came together to celebrate their history. St. Patrick’s Day always reminds me of my own family history, and my great-great grandparents, an Irish Catholic who married an Irish Protestant. My grandmother loved her Irish roots and we always celebrated St. Patty’s Day with corned beef and cabbage.

California is the second most diverse state in the country. A significant percentage of our children have at least one immigrant parent. When I meet recent immigrants, I cannot help but see the faces of my own ancestors, excited for the future, but sometimes missing their families and communities left behind.

President Trump made his first visit to California this past week. Californians showed up to protest and to tell him no thank you to that medieval wall, no thank you to his harmful actions against our people and our planet, and no thank you to his spiteful speech that seeks to turn us against each other and our values.

As Californians, it is upon us to create safe environments for our residents and particularly our children. As Governor, I will ensure that our schools are safe havens, and that they help all of our children connect with each other and our country through stories that celebrate their own histories and contributions to our state, the nation and the world.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


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