It is an honor for me to announce that I am a candidate for Secretary of the California Democratic Party at the California Democrats 2017 State Convention held May 19th-21st in Sacramento, CA. The election will take place on that Saturday, May 20th and I hope to count on your vote.
I am originally from a strong labor family in Detroit, Michigan. My mom was a manager for the Employment Development Department and a member of AFSCME. My dad was a computer operator and UAW member at Ford Motor Company. Those good middle class wages and benefits allowed my sister and I to graduate from college debt free and to achieve the American Dream of home ownership.
However, the political climate has drastically changed and we cannot rest on our achievements as 2018 fast approaches. We are at one of the most critical crossroads impacting our party. We must retain the gains made and continue to be strategic in our action agenda and messaging on Single-payer health care, Immigration, Voting Rights, Redistricting, Clean Money, Livable wages, Fair Pay, Affordable Housing, Homelessness, Environmental Justice, Gun Control and Open Source Voting Systems.
We must choose which direction the future will take us and you play a very vital role with solutions in that equation. I believe my years of Democratic Party activism and leadership, at the local, statewide and national levels have prepared me for this important position.
For many years I have worked on issues impacting women, seniors and young people, with an emphasis on education. I have also been extremely active in the Election Protection arena, trying to help ensure that every vote is counted, as it was cast and we have security and transparency in our voting systems.
As your Party Secretary I will bring the experience, leadership and innovation to ensure our elections and information is delivered in the most efficient and effective manner. Please stay tuned for more about me and my thoughts on growing the party and building for the future.
Your support will be vital to the work that we must do together locally and statewide. I am asking for your personal endorsement and vote at the convention. I look forward to hearing from you on the many critical issues confronting us and sharing my perspective.
All Best & In Unity,
“Fowler Fights For You”
Candidate, CDP Secretary |