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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Some believe we can find “middle ground” with Republicans and fossil fuel companies on the issue.

At this point, most of the candidates in the primary have shared their plans to fight climate change.

Some believe we can find “middle ground” with Republicans and fossil fuel companies on the issue. Others take steps in the right direction, but don’t go far enough.

And then there’s Bernie Sanders.

“The biggest, boldest and most ambitious plan.” — “Simply what must be done to meet the challenge” — “This is what it means to treat the climate crisis like a true emergency.”

Many have endorsed Bernie Sanders’ plan to fight climate change, but now we need you:

Sign our petition: Tell the other candidates in this race you support Bernie Sanders’ plan to fight climate change. Send a message that we need a plan that meets this crisis. They’ll hear you.


Bernie Sanders was one of the first to lead on issues like a $15 minimum wage, Medicare for All and free college. Others followed.

And they followed because of you.

Now we have to do the same on the existential threat of climate change.

Add your name: tell the other candidates in this race you support Bernie’s plan — and they should too:

Thanks for making your voice heard. This is important. Especially before the climate forum coming up.

All my best,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager




Paid for by Bernie 2020

(not the billionaires)

PO BOX 391, Burlington, VT 05402

We hope you’ll stay, because emails are such an important part of how we organize and how we raise money. In fact, there is no single greater source for our campaign’s fundraising than emails like this one. And that’s important, because no one person, not even Bernie Sanders, can take on Trump and the billionaire class alone.

Before you go about the rest of your day, help power our fight against the billionaire class by making a contribution today.