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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


The question of impeachment has only become more urgent every day that passes in this lawless administration.

Beto for America


I started talking about how we need to impeach Donald Trump in 2017. Back then, not a lot of folks knew where to stand on the issue and weren’t sure if it was the best path to go down if we want to unite our country.

But everything we’ve learned these past weeks since we found out about Trump’s phone call with Ukraine has confirmed an undeniable truth: Trump will do anything to interfere with our elections again if it buys him a victory.

For years, our president has believed he’s above the law and it’s time to prove him wrong. We want to show Trump how many Americans now are standing up to say this corruption has no place in the White House. Add your name to our petition if you’re with us.

Sign the petition

The question of impeachment has only become more urgent every day that passes in this lawless administration. 

Just the other month, Mueller testified to Congress and confirmed that Trump is not innocent when it comes to Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

This week, Trump was on live television when he asked China and Ukraine to open an investigation into one of his political opponents.

And on Thursday night, House investigators released numerous text messages that clearly show how senior State Department officials were involved in leveraging a deal between the Ukrainian president’s top aide and President Trump’s personal lawyer, that would promise a summit between their country’s leaders in exchange for information about Biden’s son. 

Since day one of his administration, Trump has made it clear that there is nothing too immoral, too despicable, or too corrupt that he won’t do to advance his own political agenda and personal interests. His shamelessness has hit rock bottom. We need to let him know that nothing about committing crimes in public makes them any less criminal.

I believe our country is rising up right now to issue that call – more Americans than ever recognize that this will be a defining moment in our nation’s history. I’m inspired to see more Democrats who were previously on the fence about going forward with impeachment, stepping up to say enough is enough – no one is above the law. And I’m proud to hear that a record number of Americans now support going forward with impeachment.

Let’s send Trump a message that Americans aren’t standing on the sidelines when it comes to his impeachment and saving our democracy. Please sign our petition today so we can show Trump the numbers are against him.


Beto O’Rourke

Sign the petition


Paid for by Beto for America

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