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*** TJ Cox has been endorsed for CD-21 by the CDP ***

TJ Cox for Congress

This is NOT the headline we wanted to see this week.

SF Chronicle: GOP Super PAC showering millions on endangered California Republicans

GOP Super PACs see the writing on the wall and are TERRIFIED of losing their grip on Congress. So they’re going all out and spending MILLIONS to prop up California rubber stamps like David Valadao.

This is the BEST CHANCE we’ve had to unseat David Valadao and flip CA-21. Chip in to help make it happen >>

We need your support to withstand the flood of outside money that’s pouring into the Central Valley to prop up our opponent. That’s why we’re aiming to raise $15,000 for TJ before the end of the week, but we’re coming up short.

Can you chip in any amount today to help send TJ Cox to Congress?

If we want to protect California and the country from Donald Trump’s extreme agenda, we need to send strong Democrats to Congress who will hold him accountable NOW.

We can’t afford to wait until 2020, and we certainly can’t allow the likes of Valadao to let Trump continue to run roughshod over our rights and values.

If we get to work now — we can win this.

Chip in now to help us hit our $15,000 goal →

Thank you,

TJ Cox for Congress
