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For Immediate release
October 9, 2018

Contact: Jacobson & Zilber Strategies



Ad underscores clear contrast in race for Lt. Governor – A champion for working families who’s got a proven record of taking on special interests vs. a polluter, mega-millionaire who made millions off oil, tobacco and Wall Street and is trying to buy election


LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CA — Today, State Senator Dr. Ed Hernandez’s campaign for California Lieutenant Governor released a new television ad, titled “Choice.” The comparative ad highlights some of the key differences between the two candidates in the race. 

To view the ad, “Choice,” which begins airing today across Southern California, click here, or on one of the images below:

Recently Senator Hernandez was endorsed by the Los Angeles Times and the San Francisco Chronicletwo of the state’s most prestegious and powerful newspapers.

The Los Angeles Times praised the Senator’s record, stating, “Hernandez has been a legislator of substance and persistence who’s taken on powerful special interests. Plus, he knows his way around state agencies and the Legislature, making him better prepared to step into the governor’s office in a crisis.”

The San Francisco Chronicle wrote, “Hernandez was elected to the state Assembly in 2006 and the Senate in 2010, having been re-elected in each. His work in the State Capitol has given him a voting and fundraising record for voters… but it also has provided him with accomplishments to cite and relationships to help advance his objectives as lieutenant governor. His successes included his role in legislation to increase the smoking age to 21 and to impose new transparency rules on drug prices.”

To view Senator Hernandez’s primary election television commercial, titled “Vision of Progress,” which highlights his legislative accomplishments ranging from environmental protection laws to advancing healthcare for all and cracking down on the skyrocketing prices of prescription drugs click here or on the screen below:

A husband, father, grandfather, practicing optometrist, and local businessman, “Dr. Ed” (as he is known to his patients) has spent his life bringing quality eye care to predominantly low-income communities.  As a health care provider, the need to improve access to health care for all Californians is what first drove him to run for office.

Since being elected to the Assembly in 2006 and the Senate in 2010, Dr. Ed Hernandez has been a leader on the implementation of federal health care reform – helping expand access to affordable health care, control costs, and improve the network of providers so people can actually get quality care when they need it. Dr. Ed has been a champion by expanding educational opportunity to qualified students overlooked by our public schools and universities, as well as a major proponent for government reform, including fixing a broken initiative system too often hijacked by billionaires and wealthy corporations. Dr. Ed Hernandez is running to take this experience, leadership, and vision to the next level by serving the people of California as their Lieutenant Governor.

For more information, please visit

*Titles for Identification Purposes Only.



Paid for by Ed Hernandez for Lt. Governor