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Kamala Harris

Fresno County —

Something strange is happening right now. Right-wing hatchet men are ramping up their attacks on Kamala in a way we just have never seen before.

Last week, Trump’s favorite Fox News host Sean Hannity attacked Kamala by saying she was “unhinged” for calling out Republicans for failing to protect DACA recipients from deportation.

Then former Trump White House advisors and right-wing websites started attacking us too — and so did an army of right-wing trolls hurling hateful attacks on our campaign.

All this to say that Republicans are taking notice of how powerful our coalition is becoming and they’re coming after Kamala (and all of us) in an attempt to derail our progress. We don’t know what’s coming next, but we have to be ready for whatever they have planned. So we’re asking:

Can you donate $100 to Kamala’s campaign before tonight’s fundraising deadline and help ensure we have the resources to fight back against any and all right-wing attacks?

In spite of these escalating attacks, we will continue to do what’s right — and that means fighting for the most vulnerable in our society and any community that is being targeted with Trump in the White House.

Thanks for everything you do,

—Team Kamala
