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Yesterday marked something significant. We’re now a month away from one of the biggest fights of our lifetime: 


Saving the entire Affordable Care Act


On July 9, we’ll walk into a federal courtroom and argue to save the law that impacts nearly every single American. If President Trump guts the Affordable Care Act, this is the America we’ll soon know: 


Robin, a breast cancer survivor, is denied insurance because her cancer is a “pre-existing condition.” Leia, a working mother of three, has her family’s insurance canceled. Tyler, recovering from his opioid addiction, is denied substance abuse treatment.


Robin, Leia, and Tyler are real people. And if President Trump gets his way in court, they could see these deadly scenarios play out. 


And they aren’t alone. Imagine the United States where: 

  • Pre-existing condition protections are GONE
  • Healthcare for 20 million people is TAKEN AWAY
  • Insurance for young people on their parents’ plan is REVOKED
  • Medicare prescription benefits for seniors are GUTTED


For Robin, Leia, Tyler and nearly every single American, this is the fight of our lifetime. We’re not letting up. Affordable healthcare is too important. 





Xavier Becerra -- California Attorney General

Becerra for Attorney General 2022
777 South Figueroa Street
Suite 4050 Los Angeles, CA 90017-5864


Thank you for supporting Xavier Becerra. Grassroots supporters like you help us protect California’s working families, advance criminal justice reform, and keep our communities safe.

Emails are a crucial way to stay in touch with our top supporters. If we’re going to protect and serve the people of California, we need you with us every step of the way.

If you’d like to donate to help Xavier, please click here.

To keep up to date with Xavier’s fight against Trump in court, click here.

From all of us at Team Becerra, thanks for your support!