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TULSI 2020




Trump is betraying our troops.

With just one tweet he offered to place our military – my brothers in sisters in uniform – under the command of Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, the dictator of Saudi Arabia. He tweeted: “We are locked and loaded … but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!”

Watch now

Trump’s actions are a gross betrayal of my brothers and sisters in uniform, the American people, and our Constitution. We are not Trump’s prostitutes, and we will not be pimped out to war for the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Watch this video and donate to help me restore a soldier’s values to the White House.

Make no mistake: President Trump is making our country Saudi Arabia’s b*tch — this is not “America First.” His willingness to pimp out our military to the highest foreign bidder is a betrayal of my proud brothers and sisters in uniform. Servicemen and women who are ready to put our lives on the line for our country—not for the Islamist dictator of Saudi Arabia.

President Trump has shown time and time again that he is unfit to serve as our Commander in Chief. Our country, my brothers and sisters in uniform, our children – we deserve a Commander in Chief who will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Who will honor our service members and put the wellbeing of our people and our country above all else.

I am prepared to serve as Commander in Chief on day one and I am asking for your help to get there. Will you chip in $11 right now to bring a soldier’s values of service above self to the White House?

If you’ve saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will be processed immediately:


For years I’ve been calling out Presidents from both political parties, the foreign policy establishment and the military industrial complex, for perpetuating wasteful regime change wars. These wars cost American lives, trillions of taxpayer dollars, pain and suffering in the countries where we wage them, all while undermining our national security. These wars are not only stupid, they’re unconstitutional.

I introduced the bipartisan No More Presidential Wars Act because — and this might come as news to President Trump — the President does not have the power under the United States Constitution to declare war. Not on Iran, not on North Korea, and definitely not on behalf of Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia.

Our country deserves a Commander in Chief who both understands and respects the rule of law. One who will never stop calling out the warmongers in both parties, and who will end unconstitutional wars. One who will honor those who are willing to put their lives on the line for our country by only sending them on missions worthy of their great sacrifice.

For the love of our country,



PO Box 75255 Kapolei HI 96707

The truth is that email is one of the most important tools we have to update supporters like you. It is one way we come together as a community of progressives to make change in this world.. Finally, if you believe we need to end the culture of corruption and greed in Washington, then now is the time to make a contribution to TULSI 2020. If you’d like to make a recurring contribution to TULSI 2020, please click here.