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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Hey folks,

I’ll keep this brief because I know you’re probably gearing up for the holiday season.

Earlier this week our campaign released our new digital ad titled, “Proven Progressive.” Click on the screen below to give it a watch!

As a result of our pro-worker, pro-healthcare, pro-environment, pro-immigrant, pro-equality agenda, we’ve accomplished quite a lot during my time in the California State Legislature.

We’ve been steadfastly focused on expanding opportunity for everyone in California, including passing a groundbreaking Homeowner Bill of Rights that took on Wall Street and the Big Banks, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, enabling undocumented people to obtain drivers’ licenses, and securing equal pay for equal work, regardless of your identity.

In the Senate, we’ve also pushed pioneering and progressive legislation that aims to create an innovative and inclusive 21st Century economy in California, including the revolutionary green energy and climate bills SB 350 and SB 100, and my bill, SB 17, which takes on Big Pharma in an effort to lower prescription drug prices.

In the State Senate, I was proud to back SB 562, which would create a forward-thinking single payer healthcare system in the state to ensure every California has access to quality and affordable care.

And we have so much more to do in the coming years.

Please watch the video, share it with your friends, and most importantly, enjoy the holiday season with your loved ones.

Happy Holidays,

Dr. Ed Hernandez
State Senator, Candidate for Lieutenant Governor