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I have really good news. We are WINNING:

That’s right — our grassroots campaign to take out Devin Nunes lackey for Fresno mayor is positioned to SUCCEED!

But here’s some bad news: Republican Lee Brand already has $500,000 in the bank and the political prognosticators think he will raise a TON more.

That means the only way we can win is by relying on grassroots supporters like you — so please chip in whatever you can to help get our Democratic campaign off the ground:

If Democrats like me are going to win in the red areas of our state and country we need to build a bench of Democratic leaders at the local level.

That’s what this campaign is all about.

I’m not taking money from big developers or corporate special interests. I’m relying on real people like you and would be grateful for your continued support.

Thanks for standing with me,

Paid for by Janz for Mayor 2020
Paid for by Janz for Mayor 2020
2037 W Bullard Ave 
Suite 250
FPPC #1418489
Fresno CA 93711 United States