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Our first quarterly fundraising deadline of 2017 is on Friday, and we need your help to make sure Democrats have a strong showing. Pitch in $10 or more right now.


Friday was a good day for the good guys. We won a major victory to defend the Affordable Care Act and stopped a truly disastrous Republican proposal that would have hurt millions of Americans.

I want us to have more days like Friday, and I’m asking for your help to do it.

I’ve been so inspired by your unrelenting grassroots activism — on everything from health care to Trump’s Muslim ban to standing up to his Cabinet and Supreme Court nominees.

But to put a stop to Donald Trump’s radical agenda for good, we’re going to need to channel that energy into electoral victories.

We’ve got an important special election coming up soon in Georgia, where we have a chance to flip a seat in Congress from red to blue. And in November, we have some big races for governorships and state legislatures in Virginia and New Jersey.

Republicans are going to throw everything they can at us to win those races — one Republican super PAC has already committed to spending $1.1 million in Georgia alone to send a rubber stamp for Donald Trump to Congress.

But I know we can win important races like these, Michael. In February, Democrats rallied behind Stephanie Hansen and won a special election in Delaware that preserved Democratic control of the state senate. Last week, we won an overwhelming victory in a special election for a seat in Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives.

It just takes commitment — so today, I’m asking for yours. Chip in $10 or more before our quarterly fundraising deadline on Friday, and help make sure we can give our candidates around the country everything they need to win this year.

If you’ve saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately.

Or donate another amount.



Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee