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Holding Donald Trump, his administration, and the rest of the GOP accountable is one of the most important parts of our work.

Become a Factivist today to get the latest information about what they’re up to, then forward these emails to your friends and family to keep them in the loop, too.

Trump is a liar -- load image
On Thursday, former FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. And he didn’t mince words:



Trump clearly attempted to interfere with the Russia investigation. He asked Comey for his “loyalty,” pressured him by asking if he wanted to keep his job, asked Comey to drop the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, and asked Comey to help “lift the cloud” of the investigation into his campaign’s ties with Russia.

But when Comey refused, Trump fired him. There’s no question what’s going on here:

Trump may have obstructed justice -- load image


The American people deserve better. 68 percent of Americans say they are concerned about Trump and Russia — and more than half a million Democrats have called for an independent investigation:


We need an independent investigation into Trump and Russia -- load imageRETWEET

Deputy Chair Keith Ellison hosted a special episode of Democrats Live with Congressmen Mark Takano and Ted Lieu, as well as Will Fischer from, to discuss Comey’s testimony:

Watch Democrats Live -- load image


Meanwhile, while we were watching Comey’s testimony, Paul Ryan pushed a bill through the House that would undo Wall Street reforms put in place by President Obama and Democrats:

House Republicans want to turn Wall Street into the Wild West -- load image


And Senate Republicans are meeting in secret to plan their strategy to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

Senate GOP meets in secret to repeal Obamacare -- load image


Between Trump’s corruption and everything that Congressional Republicans are trying to hide, we have our work cut out for us — but with great Factivists like you helping us get the word out, Democrats have all the firepower we need to stop them.

Thanks for everything you do.

Talk soon,

DNC Factivists